I want to create a sidebar in one of my mac applications. Basically it will look much like the Things sidebar.
Here is the picture that I basically want to recreate:
I can't figure out how to show the "sections" (collect, focus and active projects) and how to have certain items always show up (inbox, today, next, etc...) an开发者_如何学运维d finally I would really appreciate if someone would explain how to make the active projects section, with the triangle.
Also I need the active projects section to load from an entity in core data.
I would also really appreciate if you could post an example.
Apple's "SourceView" sample should be helpful with this:
Apple Example
PXSourceList is an open source NSOutlineView
subclass specifically built for mimicking what you posted. I've used it in a number of projects, and it's very easy and flexible to use. I highly recommend it.
The active projects section is probably just a 1 column NSOutlineView with no column header.