Bamboo CI has a build in feature of having the subversion program trigger a build in bamboo when someone commits to the repository. I followed the instructions of what to put in the post commit hook but I am not sure what the 2 arguments are supposed to be for the file. Lets say the project name is TEST and the build name is TESTBUILD and the server url is http://localhost:8085. I wrote this in the post commit hook command line.
The post commit .sh file is on a windows machine. It could be because windows doesnt run .sh files but if thats so does anyone know how to set up this trigger on windows?
Also, I think this will trigger a build immediatly? Is is possible to trigger bamboo to run a poll instead so the build will obey the 开发者_高级运维quiet period?
Have to write your own scripts. Bamboo only distributes mac and linux scripts.
Ok I wrote my own. It's so much nicer than subversion poll time-outs. Tested on:
- VisualSvn Server 2.7.2;
- Windows Web Server 2008 R2.
- PowerShell 2.0
A batch file runner for PowerShell in C:\SvnHooks\
@echo OFF
rem this file just makes spawning powershell from VisualSvn a tad easier...
rem Args from VisualSvn Server are ignored. Pass Bamboo BUILD KEY as the first
rem parameter to this script.
Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File C:\SvnHooks\BambooWebApiTrigger.ps1 -key %1
A PowerShell script to run System.Net.WebClient, also in C:\SvnHooks\
. Overwrite with your local Bamboo server:
# A Powershell script to trigger Bamboo to build a specific key
param (
[string]$baseurl = "",
[string]$tmp = $null
$fullUrl = $baseurl + "/updateAndBuild.action?buildKey=" + $key
if (!$tmp) {
$tmp = [io.path]::GetTempFileName()
echo "Pinging Bamboo API at '$fullUrl'"
$client = new-object System.Net.WebClient
$client.DownloadFile($fullUrl, $tmp)
# comment Remove-Item to see the results. It is a HTML result with success message.
# echo "Results are in $tmp"
Remove-Item $tmp
Configure VisualSvn
Right click on project in VisualSvn Server Manager > Properties > Hooks > Post-commit hook (Edit).
Enter this line after any others:
C:\SvnHooks\BambooWebApiTrigger.bat BambooProjectKey
where BambooProjectKey is the key, found after your bamboo url when browsing the Build Plan (not the project). It usually has a hyphen in it:
. In this case, FOO-BAR would be the key.
Configure Bamboo
Change your Bamboo trigger to Repository triggers the build when changes are committed
You can overwrite the key from the VisualSvn post-commit hook dialog, as well as Bamboo base URL and temp file location from the batch file runner.