
Usage of "Class" in C# [closed]

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-04 12:41 出处:网络
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical andcannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clari
It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. 开发者_JAVA百科 Closed 12 years ago.

While studying C# in ASP.net I have trouble understanding several classes. In which scenario should I use the following classes private,public,protected,abstract,static,sealed ?

It would be better if someone can explain these with easy examples.

Those are not classes.

private, protected and public are access modifiers. They indicate which other code can see the code they affect:

public class Foo
    private int _myOwn = 1;
    protected int _mineAndChildren = 2;
    public int _everyOnes = 3;

public class Bar : Foo
    public void Method()
        _myOwn = 2; // Illegal - can't access private member
        _mineAndChildren = 3; // Works
        _everyOnes = 4; // Works

public class Unrelated
    public void Method()
        Foo instance = new Foo();
        instance._myOwn = 2; // Illegal - can't access private member
        instance._mineAndChildren = 3; // Illegal
        instance._everyOnes = 4; // Works

An abstract class is one that may contain abstract members. An abstract member has no implementation, so all derived classes must implement the abstract members.

A sealed class cannot be inherited. A static class is sealed, but also can only contain static members.

I suggest you start with "Getting Started with Visual C#. This is a very basic question.

public, private and protected aren't classes, they're access modifiers. They change what is allowed to access the classes that you decorate with them. They apply to classes as well as the members of classes.

  • public items can be seen from anywhere
  • private classes can only be seen from within the same file
  • private members of classes can only be seen within that class
  • protected members are visible from within the class and its descendants
  • internal classes are public within the same assembly.

The abstract keyword marks a class or method as having no implementation, and it must be overridden (with the override keyword) in a derived type before you can use it.

A sealed class cannot be inherited from.

Using the static keyword on a class member indicates that the member belongs to the class itself, rather than a specific instance of it. Marking a class as static imposes the restriction that all members of this class must also be static.

private, public and protected indicate who can access members of a class. private means no one outside the class can see it. public means everyone can see it. protected is just like private, but subclasses can access it.

class Data
    private int counter; // only accessible to class functions
    protected int id;    // accessible to class and subclass functions
    public string name;  // accessible from all code

abstract means this is not a finished class - it is meant to be used as a base for subclasses. Often there are virtual functions in its definition, functions intended to be "filled in" by a subclass.

abstract class Window
    // cannot create objects of this class directly
    // need to create sub class

static on the class definition means there's only one global copy. It pretty much reverts the class to an old-style module. static against a member indicates that it is a global member within the class, there is not a different version for every object you make of that class.

static class Configuration
    // only one instance of the object

class Data
    private static int counter; // all Data objects access this one counter
    private int id;             // each Data object has a different id

sealed prevents subclasses being created; it can also be applied to individual functions to prevent them being overridden in a subclass.

sealed class TelephoneNumber
    // cannot create subclass of TelephoneNumber

class Address
    public sealed string FormatAddress()
        // this function cannot be overridden on a subclass

I down't can comment your question but i have an little adition but importan information for you.

access modifiers are only an compiler-feature. every .net-programm can ignore this by using reflection and can access your private flaged classes and methodes.

An exampel:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;

namespace ReflectPrivateMembers
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ConstructorInfo ci = typeof(Hello).GetConstructor(BindingFlags.NonPublic| BindingFlags.Instance ,null,System.Type.EmptyTypes,null);
            object helloObject = ci.Invoke(System.Type.EmptyTypes);
            MethodInfo[] helloObjectMethods = helloObject.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly| BindingFlags.Instance );

            foreach (MethodInfo mi in helloObjectMethods)
                mi.Invoke(helloObject, System.Type.EmptyTypes);
    public class Hello
        private Hello()
            Console.WriteLine("Private Constructor");
        public void HelloPub()
            Console.WriteLine("Public Hello");
        private void HelloPriv()
            Console.WriteLine("Private Hello");

Source: Reflection with Private Members

The first three are access modifiers, they can be applied to types and members. private means something can only be accessed from within its declaring type. protected means something can be accessed by inheritors of the declaring type, or by something in the type itself. public means something can be accessed from anywhere that has a valid reference to the declaring type.

The rest can also be applied to both types and members. abstract (on a member) means the member has no implementation (the implementation must be provided by inheritors of the type) or (on a type) that the type cannot be instantiated (only inherited). static (on a member) means that the member is shared statically by all callers, or (on a type) that the type can only contain static members and therefore cannot be instantiated (i.e. it doesn't have any instance members and therefore cannot serve any instances of itself). sealed (on an inherited virtual or abstract member) means that inheritors of the type cannot override the member, or (on a type) that the type cannot be inherited from.

There are a couple of other modifiers you should be aware of: internal is another access modifier that means that something can be accessed by anything within the same assembly (or project) as the declaring type.

Also, virtual (on a member) means that the member may optionally be overridden by an inheritor of the type, but supplies its own default implementation. partial (on a member) allows you to provide the signature of a member in one file, and the implementation in another, or (on a type) allows you to split the definition of a type across multiple code files.

What you have there are modifiers, not types of classes.

private, public, and protected are Access Modifiers. They define how accessible you want the code to be.

Before looking into the other modifiers you have listed, I would suggest attempting to get a grasp on Object Oriented Programming. Here is a link full of good resources you can review.

private,public,protected are the access modfier supported by c# language : here is the msdn link for more detail Access Modifiers

Abstract and Sealed Classes and Class Members

Static Classes and Static Class Members

private and public refer to the visibility of the class outside the assembly (e.g. DLL or EXE) it lives in. protected is a modifier for methods, it means only classes that inherit from the declarator can call the method.

abstract identifies a class that cannot be created directly, and is designed only to provide a base for other classes.

Applied to methods, static means they can be accessed as part of the type, rather than an instance of the class:

class Bar {
    static void Foo() { ... }
    void Foo() { ... }

The first one can be called like this:


The second one only like this:

Bar b = new Bar();

Applied to classes, static limits the class to contain only static methods. It's more aesthetic than anything else, but it also helps the compiler.

The sealed modifier tells the compiler that a class cannot be inherited from.



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