I am not entirely sure if this is possible or not, I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to jQuery and JavaScript in general, but this one has me stumped. I've created a simple plugin that clears a text input on focus and then displays the default value if nothing has been entered.
Is it possible to fade out just the text itself inside of the text input, and not the whole field itself? All attempts seem to result in the text field itself fading out and eventually hiding th开发者_高级运维e element from view.
I did come up with a solution of using spans containing the default value and absolutely positioning them over the text input, hiding and showing them depending if a user has entered any text or not. I would much rather a much straightforward approach if one exists.
Using the jQuery animate function which is in jQuery UI or available as a plugin for jQuery, you can animate the text color to be the color of the input upon focusing and blurring of the field (as pointed out below). Here is the code that I am using in-case you wanted to know how.
obj.bind("focus", function() {
if ($(this).val() == oldValue) {
$(this).animate({ color: '#E8DFCC' }, 1000).val('');
obj.bind("blur", function() {
if ($(this).val().length <= 3) {
$(this).animate({ color: '#56361E' }, 600).val(oldValue);
Just a quick thought, have you tried using the animation method to change the color of the text in the text box to match the background? Then when the animation completes you can clear the contents.
Its a thought. Its been a while since I've used the animation stuff, but I could probably whip up a code sample if you are interested.
here's what I use for exactly this. first add this to your JavaScript includes: http://plugins.jquery.com/project/color
then do this:
if($(this).val() == 'Default Text'){
color: '#fff'
//your input background color.
}, 500, 'linear', function(){
//this is done so that when you start typing, you see the text again :P
if($(this).val() == ''){
$(this).val('Default Text').css('color','#fff');
color: '#000'
}, 500, 'linear');
what this will do is fade the text to the background color and then empty the input field. and on blur show the default text first, then fade it back to it's original color.
an illusion :)
you can remove a lot of this if you don't wish to actually clear the field. but you get the idea. the key here are two things. use the color plugin and .animate() effect.
I just ran into this problem, my solution is quite simple, just change the attribute "value" to ' '. This essentially will replace the text with nothing.
$(selector).attr('value', '');