I have created a customer maven archetype and have it setup with some custom requiredProperties:
<requiredProperty key="classPrefix" />
I can use that property to name a file, like so:
My qu开发者_高级运维estion is can I use that property inside the file. I've tried the following two variations but neither work:
public class ${classPrefix}Config
public class __classPrefix__Config
yes you can. This is a working example for _classPrefix_Config.java.
#set( $symbol_pound = '#' )
#set( $symbol_dollar = '$' )
#set( $symbol_escape = '\' )
package ${package};
* this is the prefixed class
public class ${classPrefix}Config{ }
Please make sure you have enabled the filtering in the archetype-metadata.xml like this:
<fileSet filtered="true">
(I am working on maven 3)