Is it possible to cache a query or report the first time it is run? It seems that opening a report will re-query the datasource. For certain queries, the data source does not change frequently enough that I'd be worried about a cache being out of date (users are notified when the database changes), and it would be much easier for the users to be able to open the report instantly rather than having to wait several minutes every time they want to see the data (though I realize if they close the file开发者_JAVA百科 the caches will be lost - that's OK).
Data comes from an ODBC connection to Oracle, using Access 2003.
Most server databases cache ad hoc SQL statements. That is, if you run the report, Oracle should cache the result, and if it sees the SQL statement come across the wire again, deliver the result from the cache instead of retrieving it all from scratch. I know that SQL Server does this and I assume any enterprise-level database will do the same. Along with the caching, of course, is some form of checking to insure that the cached data is still up-to-date. I don't know what level of control the DBA has over how this works, but you might look into implementing this server-side. A temp table might also be a solution.
Could you maybe keep the report open the entire time the database is open? Open it hidden when the database is opened.
DoCmd.OpenReport "YourReport", acViewPreview,,,acHidden
Then never close it while the database is open.
Alternatively, since you can deal with cache staleness, perhaps you could store the report's data in a local table for faster access. Since the users are aware of when new data is available, give them a command button which empties the local table and puts the latest Oracle data back in.