I'm using Delphi7 and i need a solution to a big problem.Can someone provide me a faster way for searc开发者_运维知识库hing through files and folders than using findnext and findfirst? because i also process the data for each file/folder (creation date/author/size/etc) and it takes a lot of time...I've searched a lot under WinApi but probably I haven't see the best function in order to accomplish this. All the examples which I've found made in Delphi are using findfirst and findnext...
Also, I don't want to buy components or use some free ones...
Thanks in advance!
I think any component that you'd buy, would also use findfirst/findnext. Recursively, of course. I don't think there's a way to look at every directory and file, without actually looking at every directory and file.
As a benchmark to see if your code is reasonably fast, compare performance against WinDirStat http://windirstat.info/ (Just to the point where it's gathered data, and is ready to build its graph of the space usage.)
Source code is available, if you want to see what they're doing. It's C, but I expect it's using the same API calls.
The one big thing you can do to really increase your performance is parse the MFT directly, if your volumes are NTFS. By doing this, you can enumerate files very, very quickly -- we're talking at least an order of magnitude faster. If all the metadata you need is part of the MFT record, your searches will complete much faster. Even if you have to do more reads for extra metadata, you'll be able to build up a list of candidate files very quickly.
The downside is that you'll have to parse the MFT yourself: There's no WinAPI functions for doing it that I'm aware of. You also get to worry about things that the shell normally does for you in worrying about things like hardlinks, junctions, reparse points, symlinks, shell links, etc.
However, if you want speed, the increase in complexity is the only way to achieve it.
I'm not aware of any available Delphi code that already implements an MFT parser, so you'll probably have to either use a 3rd party library or implement it yourself. I was going to suggest the Open Source (GPL) NTFS Undelete, which was written in Delphi, but it implements the MFT parsing via Python code and has a Delphi-Python bridge built in.
If you want to get really fast search results consider using the Windows Search (API) or the Indexing service.
Other improvements might be to make use of threads and split the search for files and the gathering of file properties or just do a threaded search.
I once ran into a very similar problem where the number of files in the directory, coupled with findfirst/findnext was taking more time than was reasonable. With a few files its not an issue, but as you scale upwards into the thousands, or tens of thousands of files, then performance drops considerably.
Our solution was to use a queue file in a separate directory. As files are "added" to the system they were written to a queue file (was a fixed record file). When the system needed to process data, it would see if the file existed, and if so then rename it and open the renamed version (this way adds could occur for the next process pass). The file was then processed in order. We then archived the queue file & processed files into a subdirectory based on the date and time (for example: G:\PROCESSED\2010\06\25\1400 contained the files run at 2:00 pm on 6/25/2010).
Using this approach not only did we reach an almost "real-time" processing of files (delayed only by the frequency by which we processed the queue file), but we also insured processing of files in the order they were added.
If you need to scan remote drive with that many files, I would strongly suggest doing so with a "client-server" design, so that the actual file scanning is always done locally and only the results are fetched remotely. That would save you a lot of time. Also, all "server" could scan in parallel.
If your program is running on Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2, there are some enhancements to the Windows FindFirstFileEx function which will make it run a bit faster. You would have to copy and modify the VCL functions to incorporate the new options.
There isn't much room for optimization with a findfirst / findnext loop, because it's mostly I/O bound: the operating system needs to read this information from your HDD!
The proof: Make a small program that implements a simple findfirst / findnext loop that does NOTHING with the files it finds. Restart your computer and run it over your big directory, note the time it takes to finish. Then run it again, without restarting the computer. You'll notice the second run is significantly faster, because the operating system cached the information!
If you know for sure the directory you're trying to scan is heavily accessed by the OS because of some other application that's using the data (this would put the directory structure information into the OS's cache and make scanning not be bound to the I/O) you can try running several findfirst/findnext loops in parallel using threads. The down side of this is that if the directory structure is not allready in the OS cache your algorithm is again bound to HDD in/out and it might be worst then the original because you're now making multiple parallel I/O requests that need to be handled by the same device.
When I had to tackle this same problem I decided against parallel loops because the SECOND run of the application is allways so much faster, prooving I'm bound to I/O and no ammount of CPU optimisation would fix the I/O bottleneck.
I solved a similar problem by using two threads. This way I could "process" the file(s) at the same time as they where scanned from the disk. In my case the processing was significantly slower than scanning so I also had to limit the number of files in memory at one time.
Scan the file structure, for each "hit" add the path+file to a TList/TStringList or similar using Syncronize(). Remember to Sleep() inside the loop to let the OS have some time too.
PseudoCode for the thread:
fCount : Cardinal;
fLastFile : String;
procedure GetListCount;
procedure AddToList;
FileList : TStringList;
procedure Execute; Override;
procedure TMyScanThread.GetListCount;
fCount := FileList.Count;
procedure TMyScanThread.AddToList;
procedure TMyScanThread.Execute;
{ Get the list size }
Syncronize( GetListCount );
if fCount<500 then
// FindFirst code goes here
{ Add a file to the list }
fLastFile := SR.Name; // Store Filename in local var
Syncronize( AddToList ); // Call method to add to list
end else
Get the oldest entry in the list, and Process it. Then output results to DB.
This class is implemented similarly with Syncronized methods that access the list.
One alternative to the Syncronize() calls is to use a TCriticalSection. Implementing Syncronization between threads is often a matter of taste and the task at hand ...
You can also try BFS vs. DFS. This may affect your performance.
When I started to run into performance problems working with lots of small files on in the file system I moved to storing the files as blobs in database. There is no reason why related information like size, creation, and author couldn't also be stored in the database. Once the tables are populated in the database, I suspect that the database engine could do a much faster job of finding records (files) than any solution that we are going to come up with since Database code is highly specialized for efficient searches through large data sets. This will definitely be more flexible since adding a new search would be as simple as creating a new Select statement. Example: Select * from files where author = 'bob' and size > 10000
I'm not sure that approach will help you. Could you tell us more about what you are doing with these files and the search criteria.