I have a simple Qt application that launches a window with a QWebView. I tried several sites using the video tag with h.264, and it either can't play the video at all (as in youtube or sublime video), or it renders the video poorly, with black l开发者_Go百科ines covering parts of it, like when viewing the video here.
Is this a known issue with QtWebKit, or have I neglected to do something that would make it work better? My code is below.
#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QWebView>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QWebView *view = new QWebView();
return a.exec();
What platform are you on and what codecs are you using, I believe qt uses a thin layer over the system codecs DirectShow/Quicktime/Gstreamer or possibly xine/vlc if configured that way. Maybe you have bad codecs, see whether you can view h264 videos with your system codecs.
HTML5 is currently under development as the next major revision of the HTML standard. h.264 has not been considered as a required default codec. If you want use h264 try to build latest sources webkit for Qt.
QtWebKit delegates the media handling to Phonon. Check first if the stream can be played with the included Media Player example (see Qt Demo application). If you can't play it there, QtWebKit can't do anything.
Maybe this help you - http://www.developer.nokia.com/Community/Wiki/HTML5_video_player_app_using_a_QWebView