I've got a little script that fetches my latest tweets. I use JQuery's $.getJSON()
method to fetch my tweets.
The script works well with Chrome and Safari but when it comes to Firefox, nothing appears!
Here's the code:
var url = 'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=lpdahito&count=3&callback=?';
$.getJSON(url, function(data) {
$('#tweets').html('<p>' +
data[0].text + '</p><p>' +
data[1].text + '</p><p>开发者_JS百科;' +
data[2].text + '</p>');
It works well using Firefox 3.6 mac. You can always add :
error:function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
before your JSONP call to try to figure out what's wrong. But nothing's wrong here.
I had forgotten to tell Firefox when to call the script.
I added:
//my code here
Everything is fine now.