My CSS-fu is letting me down here: What I'd like to do is position two child divs (with variable heights) to be overlapping.
Using: position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;
is the only way I know how, with the parent set to position: relative
The problem with this is that the child divs are taken out of the layout as per the CSS spec, shrinking the parent div to height: 0px, so that I can't clear that div and put any content below.
My amazing ASCII art below details what I'm going for... any ideas?
As an aside, I need these divs to be overlapping exactly for smooth jQuery fades, and maybe trying out some of the new Webkit transforms, a la Apple's cardflip demo:
If there's another way to get them overlapped exactly in CSS, and/or if there's another way to get cardflip-like action (using jQuery or Webkit/CSS) with two child divs of variable heights, I'm all ears!
| Parent div |
| |-------------------------------------------| |
| | | |
| | DIVS 1 & 2 (overlapped) | |
| | | |
| |---------------------------------开发者_Go百科----------| |
...more content below, after clearing the parent...
How about just setting one of them to postition:absolute
? That way one child div will still give height to the parent div, but the other will be taken out of the flow.
.parent { position: relative; }
.child1 { position: absolute; top:0; left:0; }
.child2 { position: relative; }
Just a jQuery suggestion:
var height1 = $(".child1").height();
var height2 = $(".child2").height();
if(height1 > height2)
And now you'll have seamless fades between the two <div>
What about position: relative
and negative margins?
Off the top of my head:
.parent {}
.child1 {
height: 200px;
.child2 {
margin-top: -200px;
height: 200px;