I'm being asked to disp开发者_运维技巧lay a binary search tree in sorted order. The nodes of the tree contain strings.
I'm not exactly sure what the best way is to attack this problem. Should I be traversing the tree and displaying as I go? Should I flatten the tree into an array and then use a sorting algorithm before I display?
I'm not looking for the actual code, just a guide where to go next.
Check out your options for Tree Traversal, it's easier than you might think. Good luck :)
Is this a binary search tree (BST)? A "just" binary tree (not search) has no properties that would in any way help you (indeed, there may not be any order defined among the payloads!), but for a BST the situation is totally different (indeed the first wikipedia page I pointed to gives concise pseudocode (well, OK, Python;-) for in-order traversal of a BST -- not for just any binary tree of course.
So, did you omit the absolutely-crucial word search between "binary" and "tree" in your question and tag?
Binary Search Tree is a just a tree that you can print as a classic ways (preorder, inorder, preorder)
for example :
if(node != null){