I'd like to retrieve t开发者_开发技巧he current page path alias without the installation's folder arguments. I'm using:
But this returns installation/whatever/actual/path and I want to retrieve the actual/path only no matter what installation/whatever is.
Thanks in advance :)
Found it. It was actually a mix of both suggestions:
$current_path = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET["q"]);
Thanks though.
Update: the previous solution doesn't always work
Someone suggested using an alternative method:
str_replace(base_path(), '', drupal_get_path_alias(request_uri(), 1));
But, is there any way of doing the same without using the slightly expensive str_replace?
The path of the node you are on?
if ($node || (arg(0) == 'node' && arg(2) != 'edit')) {
$system_path = 'node/'.arg(1);
$current_path = drupal_get_path_alias($system_path);
That code will fire on node pages and tell you the page alias.
For more information, you can dump out $_GET and look at the 'q' query string value.
Maybe you can use base_path() and str_replace like this :
str_replace (base_path(), '', drupal_get_path_alias(request_uri()), 1);
The base_path is saved in the database.
$current_page_url = drupal_get_path_alias( implode( '/', arg() ) );
also works
Have you tried $_GET['q']
I tend to plump for the full url instead to avoid any problems that arise when base_path() isn't just '/'.
$url = (($_SERVER['HTTPS'])?"https://":"http://") . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . url($_GET['q']);
or even more simply:
$url = url($_GET['q'], array('absolute'=>true));
Fastest solution.
substr(drupal_get_path_alias(request_uri(), 1), strlen(base_path()));
To pass it into an argument
$arg = explode('/', substr(drupal_get_path_alias(request_uri(), 1), strlen(base_path())));