
Help me understand this Strange C++ code

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-02 06:09 出处:网络
This was a question in our old C++ exam. This code is driving me crazy, could anyone explain what it does and - especially - why?

This was a question in our old C++ exam. This code is driving me crazy, could anyone explain what it does and - especially - why?

int arr[3]={10,20,30};
int *arrp = new int;



This statement writes to the object *(arr+1) twice without an intervening sequence point so has undefined behavior.


This statement writes to the object arrp twice without an intervening sequence point so has undefined behavior.


The code could result in anything happening.

Reference: ISO/IEC 14882:2003 5 [expr]/4: "Between the previous and next sequence point a scalar object shall have its stored value modified at most once by the evaluation of an expression."


arr + 1 - element with index 1
*(arr + 1) - value of this element
(arr + 1) += 3 - increase by 3
(arr+1)+=3)+=5 - increase by 5;

so arr[1] == 28


arr[0] - value of element 0
&arr[0] - address of element 0
arrp=&arr[0] - setting arrp to point to elem 0
(arrp=&arr[0])++ - set arr to point to elem 1

result: 28

This line:


produces the same result as this (see footnote):

arr[1] += 3;
arr[1] += 5;

This line:


produces the same result as this (see footnote):

int* arrp = arr+1;

So this line:


prints out 28.

But this code leaks memory because int *arrp = new int; allocates a new int on the heap which will be lost on assignment by (arrp=&arr[0])++;

Footnote: Of course I'm assuming an absence of weirdness.

Edit: Apparently some of the lines in fact lead to undefined behavior, due to C++ Standard 5/4. So this really is a crappy exam question.

int arr[3]={10,20,30}; // obvious?
int *arrp = new int; // allocated memory for an int

(*(arr+1)+=3)+=5; // (1)
(arrp=&arr[0])++; // (2)

std::cout<<*arrp; // (3)


*(arr+1) is the same as arr[1], which means that *(arr+1)+=3 will increase arr[1] by 3, so arr[1] == 23 now.

(*(arr+1)+=3)+=5 means arr[1] is increased by another 5, so it will be 28 now.


arrp will pont to the address of the first element of arr (arr[0]). The pointer arrp will then be incremented, thus it will point to the second element after the entire statement is executed.


Prints what arrp points to: the second element of arr, meaning 28.

Well, remember that arrays can be interpreted as pointers

int arr[3]={10,20,30};
int *arrp = new int;

creates an array arr of three integers and an int pointer that gets assigned with a freshly allocated value.

Since assignment operators return a reference to the value that has been assigned in order to allow multi-assignment,


is equivalent to


*(arr + 1) refers to the first element of the array arr, therefore arr[1] is effectively increased by eight.

(arrp=&arr[0])++; assigns the address of the first array element to arrp and afterward increments this pointer which now points to the second element (arr[1] again).

By dereferencing it in std::cout<<*arrp, you output arr[1] which now holds the value 20 + 3 + 5 = 28.

So the code prints 28 (and furthermore creates a memory-leak since the new int initially assigned to arrp never gets deleted)

I'll try to answer you by rewriting the code in a simpler way.

int arr[3]={10,20,30};
int *arrp = new int;



=== equals ===

int arr[3]={10,20,30};//create array of 3 elements and assign them
int *arrp = new int;//create an integer pointer and allocate an int to it(useless)

arr[1] = arr[1] + 3;//arr[1] == arr+1 because it is incrementing the arr[0] pointer
arr[1] = arr[1] + 5;

arrp = &arr[0];//point the integer pointer to the first element in arr[]
arrp++;//increment the array pointer, so this really is now pointing to arr[1]

std::cout<<*arrp;//just print out the value, which is arr[1]

I am assuming you understand pointers and basic c.



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