I have Sql query:
SELECT News.NewsId,开发者_运维百科 News.Subject, Cm.Cnt FROM dbo.News
(SELECT Comments.OwnerId, COUNT(Comments.OwnerId) as Cnt
FROM Comments
WHERE Comments.CommentType = 'News'
Group By Comments.OwnerId) Cm
ON Cm.OwnerId = News.NewsId
But I want linq-to-sql query, how I can convert this to linq?
You might find it helpful to download LinqPad, which will make it extremely easy to write LINQ and test it. It will also help you learn the syntax. Awesome tool. And it's free.
how I can convert this to linq?
Practice! :)
from news in News
let count = news.Comments
.Where(comment => comment.CommentType == "News")
select new {news.NewsId, news.Subject, Count = count};