I'm looking for a VBA code snippet to delete Outlook messages that are six (6) months or older and sit in a user-creat开发者_开发百科ed folder.
What does that code look like?
Here is a example script
Sub DeleteOlderThan6months()
Dim oFolder As Folder
Dim Date6months As Date
Dim ItemsOverMonths As Outlook.Items
Dim DateToCheck As String
Date6months = DateAdd("d", -182, Now())
Date6months = Format(Date6months, "mm/dd/yyyy")
Set oFolder = Application.Session.PickFolder 'or set your folder
DateToCheck = "[Received] <= """ & Date6months & """"
Set ItemsOverMonths = oFolder.Items.Restrict(DateToCheck)
For i = ItemsOverMonths.Count To 1 Step -1
Set ItemsOverMonths = Nothing
Set oFolder = Nothing
End Sub