I'm displaying a list of buttons, some of which might be disabled. I need to show a tooltip on the disabled but开发者_如何学JAVAtons with an explanation of why it's disabled, but it seems I can't disable the button without disabling the tooltip. Is there a simple way around this?
Wrap the Button in a Group, and apply the toolTip to the group instead.
<s:Group toolTip="My toolTip">
<s:Button enabled="false"/>
It's a bit ugly, but it works.
One way to do this is to override the enabled getter and setter to do what you want. So in my case, I still wanted most mouse events to fire, just not the click event.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Button buttonMode="true" click="handleClick(event)" xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark">
public var data:Object;
private var _enabled:Boolean = true;
public override function get enabled():Boolean
return _enabled;
public override function set enabled(value:Boolean):void
_enabled = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event("enabledChanged"));
protected function handleClick(event:MouseEvent):void
if (!_enabled)
Since mouse events now fire, the tooltips work again.
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
import mx.managers.ToolTipManager;
import mx.controls.ToolTip;
private var tooltip:ToolTip;
private var p:Point;
private function whyDisable():void
//calculate the button position , so that roll over shows the tooltip
p=new Point();
p=localToGlobal(new Point(btn.x,btn.y));
tooltip = ToolTipManager.createToolTip('Button is disabled',p.x+(btn.width/2),p.y-20,'errorTipAbove') as ToolTip;
tooltip=ToolTipManager.createToolTip('Button is enabled',p.x+(btn.width/2),p.y-20,'errorTipAbove') as ToolTip;
<mx:VBox height="100%" width="100%" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
<mx:Button id="btn" label="Show Tooltip" buttonDown="trace('ankur')" autoRepeat="true" enabled="true" rollOver="whyDisable();" rollOut="{ToolTipManager.destroyToolTip(tooltip);}"/>
Hi, this application works on the disabled button,I used ToolTipManager to do this,
i hope this works for you
have a gr8 time
Ankur Sharma
The best choice for me was to put a void label around and in front of the element. Then, if necessary, I set the element to disable and the tooltip works in the label. If not, I put sent the label to back. It works pretty well.
if (new MainListsAdmin(this.mainApp).temInvestimentoComAqueleTipo(t)) {
deletarGroupInto.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Há investimentos vinculados a Tipo de Investimento.\nDeleção bloqueada."));
You will need to use the ToolTipManager
class to create and destroy the tool tips manually.
This article should give you all the info you need to accomplish this: