
Cannot update any cells in datagrid in vb6

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2023-01-01 06:20 出处:网络
I\'m trying to update a row in datagrid but the problem is that I can\'t even change its cell values.

I'm trying to update a row in datagrid but the problem is that I can't even change its cell values. I had set my datagrid AllowUpdate property to true, but I can't still change any cell values:

Option Explicit
Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command
Dim recordset As New ADODB.recordset
Public Action As String
Public Person_Id As Integer
Public Selected_Person_Id As Integer
Public Phone_Type As String

Public Sub InitializeConnection()
Dim str As String

str = _
   "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
   "Data Source=" + App.Path + "\phonebook.mdb;" & _
   "Persist Security Info=False"

    conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient

    If conn.state = 0 Then
    conn.ConnectionString = str

    conn.Open (conn.ConnectionString)
    End If

End Sub
Public Sub AbandonConnection()
    If conn.state <> 0 Then
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub Persons_Read()

    Dim qry_all As String

   ' qry_all = "select * from person,web,phone Where web.personid = person.id And phone.personid = person.id"
    qry_all = "SELECT * FROM person order by id"

    Call InitializeConnection

    cmd.CommandText = qry_all
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn

    If conn.state = 1 Then

       Set recordset = cmd.Execute()

    End If


End Sub

Private Function Person_Delete(id As Integer)
   Dim qry_all As String
    qry_all = "Delete * from person where person.id= " & id & " "

    Call InitializeConnection

    cmd.CommandText = qry_all
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn

    If conn.state = 1 Then

       Set recordset = cmd.Execute()

    End If


End Function
Private Function Person_Update()

End Function
Public Sub BindDatagrid()

   Set Me.dg_Persons.DataSource = recordset

    dg_Persons.Columns(0).Visible = False
    dg_Persons.Columns(4).Visible = False

    dg_Persons.Columns(1).Caption = "Name"

    dg_Persons.Columns(2).Caption = "Family"
    dg_Persons.Columns(3).Caption = "Nickname"
    dg_Persons.Columns(5).Caption = "Title"
    dg_Persons.Columns(6).Caption = "Job"

End Sub
Public Function DatagridReferesh()

    Call Me.Persons_Read

End Function

Private Sub cmd_Add_Click()
    frm_Person_Add.Caption = "Add a new person"

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_Business_Click()

  '  frm_Phone.Caption = "Business Phones"
    frm_Phone.Phone_Type = "Business"
    frm_Phone.Person_Id = Selected_Person_Id

    frm_Phone.Tag = Selected_Person_Id


End Sub

Private Sub cmd_Delete_Click()
  Dim msg_input As Integer

  msg_input = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this person ?", vbYesNo)

    If msg_input = vbYes Then
        Person_Delete Selected_Person_Id
        MsgBox ("The person is deleted")

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmd_Home_Click()

    'frm_Phone.Caption = "Home Phones"
    frm_Phone.Phone_Type = "Home"
    frm_Phone.Person_Id = Selected_Person_Id
    frm_Phone.Tag = Selected_Person_Id


End Sub

Private Sub cmd_Update_Click()
   If Not Selected_Person_Id = 0 Then
     frm_Person_Edit.Person_Id = Selected_Person_Id
    MsgBox "No person is selected"

   End If

End Sub

Public Function AddParam(name As String, param As Variant, paramType As DataTypeEnum) As ADODB.Parameter
    If param = "" Or param = Null Then
        param = " "
    End If
    Dim objParam As New ADODB.Parameter
    Set objParam = cmd.CreateParameter(name, paramType, adParamInput, Len(param), param)
    objParam.Value = Trim(param)
    Set AddParam = objParam

End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
    frm_Internet.Person_Id = Selected_Person_Id

End Sub

Private Sub dg_Persons_BeforeColEdit(ByVal ColIndex As Integer, ByVal KeyAscii As Integer, Cancel As Integer)

   ' MsgBox ColIndex

'    dg_Persons.Columns(ColIndex).Text = "S"
 '   dg_Persons.Columns(ColIndex).Locked = False
'    dg_Persons.Columns(ColIndex).Text = ""
 'dg_Persons.Columns(ColIndex).Value = ""

       'Person_Edit dg_Persons.Columns(0).Value, dg_Persons.Columns(1).Value, dg_Persons.Columns(2).Value,dg_Persons.Columns(3).Value,dg_Persons.Columns(4).Value, dg_Persons.Columns(5).Value

End Sub

Private Sub dg_Persons_BeforeColUpdate(ByVal ColIndex As Integer, OldValue As Variant, Cancel As Integer)
    MsgBox ColIndex
End Sub

Private Sub dg_Persons_Click()

If dg_Persons.Row <> -1 Then
    dg_Persons.SelBookmarks.Add Me.dg_Persons.RowBookmark(dg_Persons.Row)

    开发者_StackOverflow中文版Selected_Person_Id = Val(dg_Persons.Columns(0).Value)
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

   ' dg_Persons.AllowUpdate = True
  '  dg_Persons.EditActive = True
   Call Persons_Read

   dg_Persons.AllowAddNew = True
 dg_Persons.Columns(2).Locked = False

End Sub
Private Function Person_Edit(id As Integer, name As String, family As String, nickname As String, title As String, job As String)


cmd.CommandText = "Update  person set name=@name , family=@family , nickname=@nickname , title =@title , job=@job where id= " & id & ""
    cmd.Parameters.Append AddParam("name", name, adVarChar)
    cmd.Parameters.Append AddParam("family", family, adVarChar)
    cmd.Parameters.Append AddParam("nickname", nickname, adVarChar)
    cmd.Parameters.Append AddParam("title", title, adVarChar)
    cmd.Parameters.Append AddParam("job", job, adVarChar)

    cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText


End Function
Private Function Person_Search(q As String)
     Dim qry_all As String

    qry_all = "SELECT * FROM person where person.name like '%" & q & "%' or person.family like '%" & q & "%' or person.nickname like '%" & q & "%'"

    Call InitializeConnection

    cmd.CommandText = qry_all
    cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn

    If conn.state = 1 Then

       Set recordset = cmd.Execute()

    End If


End Function

Private Sub mnu_About_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub submnu_exit_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub txt_Search_Change()
    Person_Search txt_Search.Text
End Sub

I think you can accomplish this by adding an ADODC control as your source for the Grid control. Here is a great example of this:


You can also use the floating text box control trick where you place the a text box on top of the desired cell on a grid in order to allow a user to edit the data in a grid.


I realize that this answer is pretty old, but just in case anyone needed this, here's one solution. Basically, you need to fetch data to be displayed inside the datagrid via a data environment (and a command that actually specifies the data to be displayed). The following statements will update a datagrid named DataGrid1.

Set DataGrid1.DataSource=DataEnvironment1

where DataEnvironment1 is a data environment containing a data member(command) Command1.(rsCommand1 is the auto-generated ResultSet corresponding to Command1)

So, for instance you could put these statements in your Update button's onClick event and voila, the datagrid refreshes in realtime!

Dim Para3, Para4 As String
Para3 = "01-01-" & Combo1.Text
Para4 = "31-12-" & Combo1.Text
With DataEnvironment1
If .Connection2.State <> 0 Then .Connection2.Close
.Command2 Para3, Para4
Set DataGrid1.DataSource = .rsCommand2
End With

I tried to select record with data between using query. The first time I got the result, but later it didn't refresh. Now I'm able to do any action dynamically in runtime, each time my grid shows the corresponding result.



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