This is my pagination script which extracts info for my TV guide project that I am working on. Currently I've been experimenting with different PHP/MySQL before it becomes a production site.
This is my current script:
$paginator = new pmcPagination(20, "page");
//Select only results for today and future
$result = mysql_query("SELECT programme, channel, airdate, expiration, episode, setreminder
FROM lagunabeach
WHERE expiration >= now()
ORDER BY airdate, 3 ASC
LIMIT 0, 100;");
//You can also add results to paginate here
mysql_data_seek($queryresult, 0);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$paginator->add(new paginationData($row['programme'],
//Show the paginated results
//Show the navigation
Despite me having two records for the programmes airing today, it only shows records from the second one onwards - the programme that airs at 8:35pm UK time GMT does not show, but the later 11:25pm UK time GMT one does show.
How开发者_C百科 should I fix this? Above is my code if that is of any use!
SELECT programme, channel, airdate, expiration, episode, setreminder FROM lagunabeach where expiration >= now() order by airdate, 3 ASC LIMIT 0, 100;
You are ordering by the same column twice. airdate and 3 are the same column in your sql select statement.