Followed the instructions on the Rails wiki and have had success connecting to SQL Server 2000 with TSQL -- both with DSN-less and DNS connections. I'm running Mac OS X 10.6.3.
Wiki instructions here.
Installed ruby-odbc, dbi (0.4.0), dbd-odbc (2.4.5), activerecord-sqlserver-adapter (2.3.5).
In my database.yml (Rails 2.3.6):
adapter: sqlserver
mode: ODBC
dsn: 'DRIVER=/usr/local/lib开发者_开发技巧/;TDS_Version=8.0;;DATABASE=DB_164368_dmusd;Port=1433;uid=DB_164368_dmusd_user;pwd=Schools77;'
This yields the following error: ODBC::Error: S1090 (0) [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Invalid string or buffer length
When I attempt to use a DSN connection, I get the following error: ODBC::Error: IM002 (0) [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data source name not found, and no default driver specified
I have in fact verified that the FreeTDS driver ( is installed and the path correct.
Can anyone spot the error of my ways? Thanks in advance.
I would split the configuration between:
port = 1433
tds version = 8.0 # for SQL2000
Driver = /usr/local/lib/
Server = ip_address_of_server
Database = database_name
client charset = UTF-8 #needed only on osx
in database.yml
adapter: sqlserver
mode: odbc
dsn: server_connection
username: your_username
password: your_password
Very good article for reference on osx but easily adaptable to unix
Follow this tutorial to connect your rails app to MS SQL Server
Connect To MicrosoftSQLServer From Rails On Linux Box:
I would strongly advise that you forget UnixODBC on Mac OS X. Instead, update the iODBC components to the latest version.
iODBC -- the open source ODBC driver manager Apple chose to ship with Mac OS X -- comes from the same source as the open source ODBC Adapter for Ruby on Rails -- OpenLink Software.
It may also be worth your while to test, if not deploy, with a commercial ODBC driver, such as that from OpenLink. This can help narrow down the source of errors you encounter when trying to use a "no cost" driver. (There's always a cost -- the only question is whether you spend money or time.)
ObDisclaimer: I work for OpenLink Software, but do not directly benefit from anyone choosing to use our products.