HI, I'm trying to make some code color a PivotTable. It works just fine coloring the cells it's supposed to, but if I refresh the table, all the colors disappear, as if the colors haven't been properly attached to the PivotTable.
I have the following code (this is a snip from a larger code):
myPivotTable.PivotSelect("'" + item["Name"].ToString() + "'[All;Total]", XlPTSelectionMode.xlDataAndLabel, true);
((Range)Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.Selection).Interior.Color = 15962653;
I've tried doing a macro in Excel in VB, and when it runs, it work works perfectly, so I don't understand why the C# VSTO won't work...
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotSelect "'ItemName'[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True
Selection.Interior.Color = 15962653
Help is much appreciated :)
Here's a bit more of the code. BaseVars.GlobalWB is a variable which refers to the active workbook (Globals.ThisWorkBook). This makes it possible to work with 2 Excels at the same time, without the VSTO running code on the wrong workbook.
foreach (DataRow item in myPivotTableFields.Tables[0].Rows)
// Field name from data sheet
myPivotField = (PivotField)myPivotFields.Item(item["Name"].ToString());
// Field name in the pivot table
myPivotField.Caption = item["Caption"].ToString();
// Their subtotal value
myPivotField.set_Subtotals(Type.Missing, GenerateSubTotalArray(item["SubTotal"].ToString()));
#region Attribs
//Include new items in manual filter
if (item["Attrib01"].ToString() == "True")
myPivotField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter = true;
myPivotField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter = false;
// Show items labels in outline form
if (item["Attrib02"].ToString() == "Outline")
myPivotField.LayoutForm = XlLayoutFormType.xlOutline;
myPivotField.LayoutForm = XlLayoutFormType.xlTabular;
// Display labels from the next field in the same column
if (item["Attrib03"].ToString() == "True")
myPivotField.LayoutCompactRow = true;
myPivotField.LayoutCompactRow = false;
// Display subtotals at the top of each group
if (item["Attrib04"].ToString() == "AtBottom")
myPivotField.LayoutSubtotalLocation = XlSubtototalLocationType.xlAtBottom;
myPivotField.LayoutSubtotalLocation = XlSubtototalLocationType.xlAtTop;
// Insert blank line after each item label
if (item["Attrib05"].ToString() == "True")
myPivotField.LayoutBlankLine = true;
myPivotField.LayoutBlankLine = false;
// Show items with no data
if (item["Attrib06"].ToString() == "True")
myPivotField.ShowAllItems = true;
myPivotField.ShowAllItems = false;
// Insert page break after each item
if (item["Attrib07"].ToString() == "True")
myPivotField.LayoutPageBreak = true;
myPivotField.LayoutPageBreak = false;
// Set up the pivot table selection
if (item["Selection"].ToString() != "(blank)")
myItems = new List<string>();
myItems = GlobalFunc.Explode(item["Selection"].ToString());
SetUpPivotTableSelection(myPivotTable, item["Name"].ToString(), myItems);
else if (item["Selection"].ToString() == "(blank)" && item["Orientation"].ToString() == "Filter")
myPivotField.CurrentPage = "(All)";
myPivotField.ShowDetail = true;
catch (Exception ex)
GlobalFunc.DebugWriter("Error during Pivot Table Reset: " + ex.Message);
myPivotTable.PivotSelect("'" + item["Name"].ToString() + "'[All;Total]", XlPTSelectionMode.xlDataAndLabel, true);
// Set up the fields borders if it has any
myRange = BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.get_Range(BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection, BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection);
myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib12"].ToString());
myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib13"].ToString());
myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib14"].ToString());
myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib15"].ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
GlobalFunc.DebugWriter("<LI>Error occured: " + ex.Message + "</LI>");
// Insert the colors of the field, gradient or solid
if (item["Color_Total2"].ToString() != null && item["Color_Total2"].ToString() != "")
Base.InsertGradient(myRange, int.Parse(item["Color_Total1"].ToString().Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), int.Parse(item["Color_Total2"].ToString().Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), false);
else if (item["Color_Total1"].ToString() != null && item["Color_Total1"].ToString() != "")
开发者_如何学JAVA {
BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.get_Range(BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection, BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection).Interior.Color = int.Parse(item["Color_Total1"].ToString().Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
If you're using C# VSTO, don't use Selection.Interior.Color. Use Selection.Interior.ColorIndex instead. Excel uses a 56-color palette, and any colors you specify in C# is "translated" into one of those palette colors. Valid ColorIndex values are between 1 and 56. Also check out this helpful reference on the color palette and Excel.
Try using a hex value instead, like 0xFFFFFF
If that doesn't work, try using XlRgbColor color constants like ((Range)Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.Selection).Interior.Color = Excel.XlRgbColor.rgbCornflowerBlue;
The limitation here is that you can only use Excel's palette - if you want a color outside of that, you'll have to change the palette either programatically or manually. If your color isn't in the palette, Excel will choose the closest match.
I found a totally different solution to this functionality, so I no longer need to color anything in the PivotTable =)
I made a total rewrite, so instead of saving PivotTables to a databse and regenerating them, I simply save the PivotTables to xlsx files and recover them from there.