Could anyone point me to a logical diagram of, or show me how to create, a Parrallel In/Serial Out shift register that uses J-K Flip flops? I've found diag开发者_Python百科rams that use D types, but no J-K's. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you already have a circuit using D-flipflops use it!. a D flipflop is just a jk-flipflop with an inverter before the k-input, and j+k wired together.
E.g take your jk flipflop:
|j Q|
| |
|Clk |
| |
|k ~Q|
An turn it into a D flipflop:
D------|j Q|----- Q
| | |
| |Clk |
| | |
---O|k ~Q|
Leave the unused ~Q output floating and you have it.
Note that I haven't drawn the inverter itself, it's the little 'O' sitting at right at the k-input. Don't leave this one out or the D-flipflop will not work.
Good luck.