Is there any way to explode() using an array of delimiters?
PHP Manual:
arr开发者_开发知识库ay explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit ] )
Instead of using string $delimiter
is there any way to use array $delimiter
without affecting performance too much?
$str = 'Monsters are SUPER scary, bro!';
$del = array('a', 'b', 'c');
// In one fell swoop...
$arr = explode( $del[0], str_replace($del, $del[0], $str) );
Use preg_split()
with an appropriate regex.
function explode_by_array($delim, $input) {
$unidelim = $delim[0];
$step_01 = str_replace($delim, $unidelim, $input); //Extra step to create a uniform value
return explode($unidelim, $step_01);
That's improved @65Fbef05's code. We use first delimiter, because "+delim+"
may be used in original string.
The above suggestions won't work if the delimiters after the first delimiter include characters from that first delimiter. For instance, if you want to use line breaks as delimiters, but you're not sure if your input uses \r\n, \r or just \n, you can't use the above methods.
$str = '___RN___RN___R___N___RN___RN';
$del = array('RN', 'R', 'N');
# This won't work if delimiters 2, 3, n include characters from delimiter 1
var_dump(explode( $del[0], str_replace($del, $del[0], $str)));
This will output:
array(11) {
string(4) "___R"
string(0) ""
string(4) "___R"
string(0) ""
string(4) "___R"
string(3) "___"
string(4) "___R"
string(0) ""
string(4) "___R"
string(0) ""
string(0) ""
Which isn't ideal if you're planning to do string comparisons. Instead, you'll need to get a bit more complex. What I have written below may not be the most efficient and succinct, but it does the trick.
# This, however, will work
function array_explode($delimiters, $string){
if(!is_array(($delimiters)) && !is_array($string)){
//if neither the delimiter nor the string are arrays
return explode($delimiters,$string);
} else if(!is_array($delimiters) && is_array($string)) {
//if the delimiter is not an array but the string is
foreach($string as $item){
foreach(explode($delimiters, $item) as $sub_item){
$items[] = $sub_item;
return $items;
} else if(is_array($delimiters) && !is_array($string)) {
//if the delimiter is an array but the string is not
$string_array[] = $string;
foreach($delimiters as $delimiter){
$string_array = array_explode($delimiter, $string_array);
return $string_array;
It will output the following:
array(7) {
string(3) "___"
string(3) "___"
string(3) "___"
string(3) "___"
string(3) "___"
string(3) "___"
string(0) ""
Have a play:
Took @65Fbef05's answer, turned it into a func. Note: this is case sensitive like the original explode function.
public static function explodeByArray(array $delimeters, string $input): array {
return [$input];
$unidelim = $delimeters[0];
$step = str_replace($delimeters, $unidelim, $input);
return explode($unidelim, $step);
And unit tested (PHPUnit) as I'm always a bit suspicious of answers on stackoverflow:
* @dataProvider dataProviderForExplodeByArray
* @param array $delimeters
* @param array $expected
* @param string $subject
* @return void
public function testExplodeByArray(array $delimeters, array $expected, string $subject='The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'): void {
self::assertSame($expected, explodeByArray($delimeters, $subject));
public function dataProviderForExplodeByArray(): array{
return [
[[], ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog']],
[['zzz'], ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog']],
[['the'], ['The quick brown fox jumps over ', ' lazy dog']],
[['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'], ['', '']],
[['The'], ['', ' quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog']],
[['dog'], ['The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy ', '']],
[['the', 'quick'], ['The ', ' brown fox jumps over ', ' lazy dog']],
[['quick', 'the'], ['The ', ' brown fox jumps over ', ' lazy dog']],
[['quick', 'the', 'fox'], ['The ', ' brown ', ' jumps over ', ' lazy dog']],
[['over', 'fox'], ['The ', 'y brown ', ' jumps ', ' the lazy ', ''], 'The foxy brown fox jumps over the lazy fox'],
php's explode method doesn't support multiple delimiters, so you can't pass it an array. Also, what kind of string are you parsing that has multiple delimiters? you're best bet would be to loop through your delimiters, and re-explode some of the exploded strings.