I make a query that return to me the count of Stored Procedure that created everyday as follow
SELECT convert(varchar, crdate, 103) as Date,Count(*) as Counter
FROM sysobjects
WHERE (xtype = 'p') AND (name NOT LIKE 'dt%')
Group by convert(varchar, crdate, 103)
and its already work but dates appear in string format that i can't order it such as below
01/03/2010 3
01/04/2008 4
01/05/2010 5
01/11/2008 1
01/12/2008 4
02/03/2008 1
02/03/2010 2
02/04/2008 4
02/05/2010 2
02/11/2008 2
02/11/2009 2
02/12/开发者_StackOverflow社区2008 4
03/01/2010 1
03/02/2010 2
03/03/2010 2
03/04/2008 2
03/04/2010 2
03/05/2008 1
03/05/2010 2
I want to make that in which date is in datetime format that i can make order by
successfully, i tried convert(datetime, crdate, 103)
but it show Full date
any idea of how to do ?
To get a sortable date you need year, then month, then date. use format "112".
SELECT convert(varchar, crdate, 112) as Date,Count(*) as Counter
FROM sysobjects
WHERE (xtype = 'p') AND (name NOT LIKE 'dt%')
Group by convert(varchar, crdate, 112)
order by Date
which gives this:
Date Counter
20040711 124
20040713 1
20040725 1
20040726 2
20040803 6
If you want to get the right sort order but a differently formatted date, then you can use a subquery like this.
select CONVERT(varchar, GroupDate, 103) Date, Counter
SELECT MIN(crdate) as GroupDate,Count(*) as Counter
FROM sysobjects
WHERE (xtype = 'p') AND (name NOT LIKE 'dt%')
Group by convert(varchar, crdate, 112)
) A
order by GroupDate
which yields
Date Counter
11/07/2004 124
13/07/2004 1
25/07/2004 1
26/07/2004 2
03/08/2004 6
How about this:
select dt, COUNT(*) from
SELECT convert(datetime, convert(varchar, crdate, 112)) as dt
FROM sysobjects
WHERE (xtype = 'p') AND (name NOT LIKE 'dt%')
) DayOnly
group by dt
order by dt asc
SELECT DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, o.crdate), 0) [Date],
COUNT(*) [Counter]
FROM sys.sysobjects o
WHERE o.xtype = 'p' AND o.name NOT LIKE 'dt%'
GROUP BY DATEADD(day, DATEDIFF(day, 0, o.crdate), 0)