I am using cakephp v1.26.
I got a function in a controller like this:class testingsController extends AppController{
function testing($id=null){
$recieved = $id;}
I am not sure if there are any better ways to pass a parameter to the Action testing.
Bu开发者_Go百科t I have come across some web sites and got these two methods. Is there any difference in the following parameter passing methods?1. url/testings/testing/1
2. url/testings/testing:1
With standard routes, this will call TestingsController::testing(1)
This is standard parameter passing, any parameters beyond /:controller/:action/
are passed "as-is" to the called action.
corresponds to
ControllersController::action($param1, $param2)
With standard routes, this will call TestingsController::index()
set $this->params['named']['testing']
to 1
. This is known as a named parameter.
Named parameters can be passed in any order. These two URLs are equivalent:
They will not be passed to the function, as in function testing($id = null)
. $id
will be null
. They're only available in the $this->params['named']
The first example you have will pass it as a numeric parameter
$this->params[0]; // 1
The second will pass a named pair, rather like an array
$this->params['testing']; // 1
You can use either for different things. You'll notice that the paginator uses key:val
paired parameters when sorting columns and pages.
There is a little bit of further info in the Book, http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/routing.html#passed-arguments