I'm trying to parse an Apple plist file and I need to get an array Node within it. Unfortunately its only unique identifier is sibling Node right before it, <key>ProvisionedDevices</key>
. Right now my best thoughts are to use Java's XPATH querying or Node.indexOf
Here is an example:
<plist version="1.0">
开发者_如何学Python <date>2010-05-10T11:44:35Z</date>
... // I need the Nodes here
This works:
def findArray(key: Elem, xml: Elem) = {
val components = xml \ "dict" \ "_"
val index = components.zipWithIndex find (_._1 == key) map (_._2)
index map (_ + 1) map components
* Takes in plist key-value format and returns a Map[String, Seq[Node]]
def plistToMap(nodes:Seq[Node]) = {
nodes.grouped(2).map {
case Seq(keyNode, elementNode) => (keyNode.text, elementNode)
Then you can use it this way:
println(plistToMap(xml \\ "dict" \ "_").get("ProvisionedDevices"))