I'm creating a simple report from Microsoft Dynamics CRM. When I pull in the following dataset:
SELECT FQD.productidname
, ltrim(rtrim(FP.NEW_PRODUCTNAME)) AS NewProductDesc
, FQD.productdescription
, FQD.quoteid
, FQD.quantity
, FQD.productiddsc
, FQD.baseamount
, FQD.lineitemnumber
, FQD.priceperunit
, FQD.extendedamount
, ISNULL(FP.productnumber, '') AS productnumber
, ISNULL(FQD.uomidname, '-') AS Unit
, FQD.tax AS Tax
, FQD.volumediscountamount * FQD.quantity AS Discount
, FQD.manualdiscountamount AS MDiscount
, FQD.quotedetailid
, FQD.crm_moneyformatstring
FROM FilteredQuoteDetail FQD
FilteredProduct FP
ON FQD.productid = FP.productid
WHERE (FQD.quoteid = @CRM_QuoteId)
The NewProductDesc field is too wide. If I shorted it in design view, it still comes out too wide in the present开发者_StackOverflow中文版ation. I think the field is coming out that wide because the database field probably has a bunch of blank spaces at the end of every description. I could not find a way to force that field in the Tablix not to grow horizontally, so I attempted to remedy it in the dataset by replacing the NewProductDesc line with:
ltrim(rtrim(FP.NEW_PRODUCTNAME)) AS NewProductDesc
However, that has no effect either.
Can anyone suggest why this behavior is occuring? Can anyone tell me how I can force the field not to grow horizontally?
I think in your case it is better to set width staticly e.g: 1.25in
But if you want to use percentage and Trim()
didn't work check SPACE()
and see which number do you get? -this method gives you count of spaces in the string.-
If you found too many space in the report then Trim it in your Database Query