
Javascript string replace with calculations

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-30 05:21 出处:网络
Is there a way to resolve mathematical expressions in strings in javascript? For example, suppose I want to produce the string \"Tom has 2 apples, Lucy has 3 apples. Together they have 5 apples\" but

Is there a way to resolve mathematical expressions in strings in javascript? For example, suppose I want to produce the string "Tom has 2 apples, Lucy has 3 apples. Together they have 5 apples" but I want to be able to substitute in the variables. I can do this with a string replacement:

string = "Tom has X apples, Lucy has Y apples. Together they have Z apples";
string2 = string.replace(/X/, '2').replace(/Y/, '3').replace(/Z/, '5');

However, it would be better if, instead of having a variable Z, I could use X+Y. Now, I could also do a string replace for X+Y and replace it with the correct value, but that would become messy when trying to deal with all the possible in-string calculations I might want to do. I suppose I'm looking for a way to achieve this:

string = "Som开发者_StackOverflow社区ething [X], something [Y]. Something [(X+Y^2)/(5*X)]";

And for the [___] parts to be understood as expressions to be resolved before substituting back into the string.

Thanks for your help.

There's no direct, built-in way (well, okay, perhaps there is — see below), but if you use the callback feature of the replace function, where the replacement can be a function rather than a string (the return value is what's substituted in), you can implement this fairly easily.

For instance, suppose you use the Ruby notation #{xyz} for your placeholders. This code loops through those:

var mappings, str;

str = "One #{X} three #{Y} five";
mappings = {
    "X": 2,
    "Y": 4
str = str.replace(/\#\{([^#]+)\}/g, function(match, key) {
    var result;

    result = mappings[key];
    /* ...processing here */
    return result;

The resulting string is One 2 three 4 five, because #{X} and #{Y} have been replaced via lookup. You can look at the key and see whether it's an expression and needs to be evaluated rather than simply looked up. That evaluation is where your real work comes in.

Now, you could use with and eval to achieve expression support; change the result = mapping[key]; line above to this:

    with (mappings) {
        result = eval(key);

If you feed the string "One #{X} three #{Y} five #{X + Y * 2}" into that, the result is One 2 three 4 five 10 — because 2 + 4 * 2 = 10.

That works because with sticks the given object on top of the scope chain, so it's the first thing checked when resolving an unqualified reference (like X), and eval executes Javascript code — and so can evaluate expressions — and magically does so within the scope in which it's called. But beware; as Eric pointed out, not all operators are the same in various forms of expression, and in particular Javascript interprets ^ to mean "bitwise XOR", not "to the power of". (It doesn't have an exponent operator; you have to use Math.pow.)

But you need to be very careful about that sort of thing, both with and eval (each in their own way) can be problematic. But the main issues with with are that it's hard to tell where something comes from or where it will go if you do an assignment, which you're not; and the main issues with eval come from using it to interpret strings you don't control. As long as you keep safeguards in place and are aware of the issues...

Boiling that down into a function:

function evaluate(str, mappings) {
    return str.replace(/\#\{([^#]+)\}/g, function(match, key) {
        var result;

        with (mappings) {
            result = eval(key);

        return result;
    "The expression '(#{X} + #{Y}) * 2' equals '#{(X + Y) * 2}'",
    {"X": 2, "Y": 4}
)); // alerts "The expression '(2 + 4) * 2' equals '12'"
    "The expression '(#{X} + #{Y}) * 2' equals '#{(X + Y) * 2}'",
    {"X": 6, "Y": 3}
)); // alerts "The expression '(6 + 3) * 2' equals '18'"

The only way I can think of to achieve this would be a templating engine such as jTemplates. Also see the answers to this SO question.

Nice question:

function substitutestring(str,vals)
    var regex = /\[[^\]]*\]/gi;
    var matches = str.match(regex);
    var processed = [];

    for(var i = 0; i<matches.length; i++)
        var match = matches[i];
        processed[match] = match.slice(1,-1);

        for(j in vals)
            processed[match] = processed[match].replace(j,vals[j]);

        processed[match] = eval("("+processed[match]+")");

    for(var original in processed)
        str = str.replace(original,processed[original]);
    return str;

        "[x] + [y] = [x+y]",
        {"x": 1, "y": 2}

In ES6 you can now use template strings:

var X = 2, Y = 3; string = Tom has ${X} apples, Lucy has ${Y} apples. Together they have ${X+Y} apples;



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