Hey guys, I have the following HTML structure that I am trying to pull information from:
// Product 1
<div cl开发者_开发百科ass="productName">
<span id="product-name-1">Product Name 1</span>
<div class="productDetail">
<span class="warehouse">Warehouse 1, ACT</span>
<span class="quantityInStock">25</span>
// Product 2
<div class="productName">
<span id="product-name-2">Product Name 2</span>
<div class="productDetail">
<span class="warehouse">Warehouse 2, ACT</span>
<span class="quantityInStock">25</span>
// Product X
<div class="productName">
<span id="product-name-X">Product Name X</span>
<div class="productDetail">
<span class="warehouse">Warehouse X, ACT</span>
<span class="quantityInStock">25</span>
I don't have control of the source html and as you'll see productName and it's accompanying productDetail are not contained within a common element.
Now, I am using the following php code to try and parse the page.
$html = new DOMDocument();
$xPath = new DOMXPath($html);
$domQuery = '//div[@class="productName"]|//div[@class="productDetail"]';
$entries = $xPath->query($domQuery);
foreach ($entries as $entry) {
echo "Detail: " . $entry->nodeValue) . "<br />\n";
Which prints the following:
Detail: Product Name 1
Detail: Warehouse 1, ACT
Detail: 25
Detail: Product Name 2
Detail: Warehouse 2, ACT
Detail: 25
Detail: Product Name X
Detail: Warehouse X, ACT
Detail: 25
Now, this is close to what I want. But I need to do some processing on each Product, Warehouse and Quantity stock and can't figure out how to parse it out into separate product groups. The final output I am after is something like:
Product 1:
Name: Product Name 1
Warehouse: Warehouse 1, ACT
Stock: 25
Product 2:
Name: Product Name 2
Warehouse: Warehouse 2, ACT
Stock: 25
I can't just figure it out, and I can't wrap my head around this DOM stuff as the elements don't quite work the same as a standard array.
If anyone can assist, or point me in the right direction I will be ever appreciative.
Maybe not the most efficient way but
$html = new DOMDocument();
$xPath = new DOMXPath($html);
foreach( $xPath->query('//div[@class="productName"]') as $prodName ) {
$prodDetail = $xPath->query('following-sibling::div[@class="productDetail"][1]', $prodName);
// <-- todo: test if there is one item here -->
$prodDetail = $prodDetail->item(0);
echo "Name: " . $prodName->nodeValue . "<br />\n";
echo "Detail: " . $prodDetail->nodeValue . "<br />\n";
echo "----\n";
Product Name 1
<br />
Warehouse 1, ACT
<br />
Product Name 2
<br />
Warehouse 2, ACT
<br />
Product Name X
<br />
Warehouse X, ACT
<br />