I have the following (simplified) models:
class Donation(models.Model):
entry_date = models.DateTimeField()
class Category(models.Model):
name = models.CharField()
class Item(models.Model):
donation = models.ForeignKey(Donation)
category = models.ForeignKey(Category)
I'm trying to display the total number of items, per category, grouped by the donation year.
I've tried this:
Donation.objects.extra(select={'year': "django_date_trunc('year',
%s.entry_date)" % Donation._meta.db_table}).values('year',
But I get a Field Error on item__category__name
I've also tried:
Item.objects.extra(select={"year": "django_date_trunc('year',
entry_date)"}, 开发者_如何学JAVAtables=["donations_donation"]).values("year",
Which generally gets me what I want, but the item quantity count is multiplied by the number of donation records.
Any ideas? Basically I want to display this:
2010 - Category 1: 10 items - Category 2: 17 items 2009 - Category 1: 5 items - Category 3: 8 items
This other post looks like what you're looking for:
Django equivalent for count and group by
Depending on your Django version, you may or may not be able to use it though.
I realize you've probably already written your raw SQL, but the following came to mind when I saw the way you want to display your data:
If it's alright to do it at the template level you might be able to make strategic use of the regroup tag and length filter.
Regroup takes a "list of alike objects" so a queryset might work just fine, but the docs show a list of dictionaries, so I've used values here:
item_listing = Item.objects.values('category__name', 'donation__entry_date')
# use your favourite method to extract the year information into a key in item_listing
item_listing = ...
Now in the template, something like:
{% for year_group in item_listing %}
<li>{{ year_group.grouper }}
{% regroup year_group.list by category__name as category_listing %}
{% for category_group in category_listing %}
Category: {{ category_group.grouper }}
Count: {{ category_group.list|length }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
I'm not sure if the regroup tag nests well like that (haven't tried it). Also, I have no idea how well regroup performs if you've got a lot of data, but then again, there's always caching...
If you decide to use this, make sure that you take note of the ordering gotcha mentioned in the regroup docs.