I have a MSBuild script that I am executing through TeamCity.
One of the tasks that is runs is from Xheo DeploxLX CodeVeil which obfuscates some DLLs. The task I am using is called VeilProject. I have run the CodeVeil Project through the interface manually and it works correctly, so I think I can safely assume that the actual obfuscate process is ok.
This task used to take around 40 minutes and the rest of the MSBuild file executed perfectly and finished without errors.
For some reason this task is now taking 1hr开发者_运维问答 20 minutes or so to execute. Once the VeilProject task is finished the output from the task says it completely successfully, however the MSBuild script fails at this point. I have a task directly after the VeilProject task and it does not get outputted. Using diagnostic output from MSBUild I can see the following:
My questions are:
- Would it be possible that the MSBuild script has timed out? Once the task has completed it is after a certain timeout period so it just fails?
- Why would the build fail with no errors and no warnings?
[05:39:06]: [Target "Obfuscate"] Finished.
[05:39:06]: [Target "Obfuscate"] Saving exception map [05:49:21]: [Target "Obfuscate"] Ended at 11/05/2010 05:49:21, ~1 hour, 48 minutes, 6 seconds [05:49:22]: [Target "Obfuscate"] Done. [05:49:51]: MSBuild output: Ended at 11/05/2010 05:49:21, ~1 hour, 48 minutes, 6 seconds (TaskId:8) Done. (TaskId:8) Done executing task "VeilProject" -- FAILED. (TaskId:8) Done building target "Obfuscate" in project "AMK_Release.proj.teamcity.patch.tcprojx" -- FAILED.: (TargetId:12) Done Building Project "C:\Builds\Scripts\AMK_Release.proj.teamcity.patch.tcprojx" (All target(s)) -- FAILED.Project Performance Summary:
6535484 ms C:\Builds\Scripts\AMK_Release.proj.teamcity.patch.tcprojx 1 calls 6535484 ms All 1 callsTarget Performance Summary:
156 ms PreClean 1 calls 266 ms SetBuildVersionNumber 1 calls 2406 ms CopyFiles 1 calls 6532391 ms Obfuscate 1 callsTask Performance Summary:
16 ms MakeDir 2 calls 31 ms TeamCitySetBuildNumber 1 calls 31 ms Message 1 calls 62 ms RemoveDir 2 calls 234 ms GetAssemblyIdentity 1 calls 2406 ms Copy 1 calls 6528047 ms VeilProject 1 callsBuild FAILED.
0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s)Time Elapsed 01:48:57.46
[05:49:52]: Process exit code: 1 [05:49:55]: Build finishedIf the .exe is not returning standard exit codes then you may want to specify to ignore the exit code when using the Exec task with IgnoreExitCode="true". If that doesn't work then try the additional parameter IgnoreStandardErrorWarningFormat="true".