I need a program to visualize a json response from a URL or a json file, which organizes the data so it's more human readable. Any suggestions?
Great online tools:
json.parser.online.fr (Online JSON Parser)
Excellent for detecting invalid json, and shows both json-parse and eval methods.
chris.photobooks.com (JSON Visualization)(dead link)Shows json as html tables and is good for detecting invalid jsonjsonviewer.stack.hu (Online JSON Viewer)
Nice if you want to traverse json as a tree with properties (but bad for invalid json)
jsonlint.com (JSONLint - The JSON Validator)
Open-source, has excellent validation of detecting invalid json, and beautifies JSON.
Downloadable tool built on .NET:
JSON Viewer
Has a stand-alone viewer similar to the online viewer of the same name, but also has plugins for Fiddler 2 and Visual Studio 2005
To toot my own horn, I've also written a JSON visualizer - it can even fetch a remote url and visualize the JSON it returns.
You can find it at http://json.bloople.net.
- For mac: VisualJSON on appstore
- For web browser: JSONView as plugin
- Firefox: JSONView
- Chrome: JSONView
- For Terminal: httpie
If you are looking for an interactive online app, http://jsbeautifier.org/ works great and there are many suggestions for integrating the functionality into other environments.
You can either execute the core of jsbeautifier (beautify-cl.js) in a hosted js runtime or attempt to re-engineer it in the language of your choice.
If you need to reformat JSON at runtime in .net, I can suggest JSON.Net.
I use JsonLint, a web based validator and reformatter for JSON. Upon validation, it also reformats the JSON file so that it is easier to read.
well to continue the trend here (a couple years later) here is another JSON Visualizer created by myself .. though this one a little bit prettier ;)