i have the following method, at the moment it's return the whole sql string. How would i execute the following.
using (ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction())
string sql =
开发者_StackOverflow中文版 @"DECLARE @Cost money
SET @Cost = -1
select @Cost = MAX(Cost) from item_costings
where Item_ID = {0}
and {1} >= Qty1 and {1} <= Qty2
RETURN (@Cost)",
itemId, quantity);
string mystring = session
return mystring;
here is the final version using criteria
using (ISession session = NHibernateHelper.OpenSession())
decimal cost = session
.CreateCriteria(typeof (ItemCosting))
.Add(Restrictions.Eq("ItemId", itemId))
.Add(Restrictions.Le("Qty1", quantity))
.Add(Restrictions.Ge("Qty2", quantity))
return cost;
NHibernate only supports reading results from data readers.
You should create your query string as:
string sql = string.Format(
@"select MAX(Cost) from item_costings
where Item_ID = {0}
and {1} >= Qty1 and {1} <= Qty2",
itemId, quantity);
And then you execute it with:
string mystring = session
Anyway, you are not using NHibernate functionality here at all, you're just unnecessarily wrapping raw ADO.NET.
Why not define an object model and query it using Criteria, HQL or Linq?