Making an automated call list to be generated based on certain search criteria that pulls customers names and phone numbers.
There are 4 tables: Customer, Phone_Numbers, Sales_Header, Sales_Detail.
The query is as fol开发者_如何转开发lows:
SELECT CONCAT(customer.First_Name, ‘’, customer.Last_Name),
FROM Sales_Header
INNER JOIN Sales_Detail ON Sales_Detail.Header_ID = Sales_Header.ID
INNER JOIN Customer ON Customer.ID = Sales_Header.Customer_ID
INNER JOIN Phone_Numbers ON Phone_Numbers.Customer_ID = Customer.ID
WHERE Sales_Header.WebSale = -1
AND Sales_Detail.Price > 1000
AND DateSold > 20081002
Each sale in the sales_header has a store location (ID for which store it was sold at). However customers can buy from more than one store. I need to find out which store the customer spent the most money in, and add that store to the select statement output above.
If you're using MySQL, I believe it's:
SELECT CONCAT(customer.First_Name, ‘’, customer.Last_Name),
Customer.ID, Sales_Detail.ID, Sum(Sales_Detail.Price)
FROM Sales_Header
INNER JOIN Sales_Detail ON Sales_Detail.Header_ID = Sales_Header.ID
INNER JOIN Customer ON Customer.ID = Sales_Header.Customer_ID
INNER JOIN Phone_Numbers ON Phone_Numbers.Customer_ID = Customer.ID
WHERE Sales_Header.WebSale = -1
AND Sales_Detail.Price > 1000
AND DateSold > 20081002
GROUP BY CONCAT(customer.First_Name, ‘’, customer.Last_Name),
Customer.ID, Sales_Detail.ID
ORDER BY Sum(Sales_Detail.Price) Desc Limit 1;
In SQL Server, you'd do "top 1" before Concat.
Also, depending on how your tables lay out, you'll also want to put a "distinct" (no parentheses or commas before "concat", to remove duplicates.
Try using SUM, GROUP BY, and ORDER BY ... does that do the trick?
SELECT CONCAT(customer.First_Name, ‘’, customer.Last_Name),
SUM(Sales_Detail.Price) AS Total_Purchases
FROM Sales_Header
INNER JOIN Sales_Detail ON Sales_Detail.Header_ID = Sales_Header.ID
INNER JOIN Customer ON Customer.ID = Sales_Header.Customer_ID
INNER JOIN Phone_Numbers ON Phone_Numbers.Customer_ID = Customer.ID
WHERE Sales_Header.WebSale = -1
AND Sales_Detail.Price > 1000
AND DateSold > 20081002
GROUP BY Customer.ID
ORDER BY Total_Purchases