I would like to be able to iterate over and inspect all the models in my rails app. In pseudo-code it would look something like:
rails_env.models.each do |model|
associations = model.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_man开发者_StackOverflowy)
... do some stuff
My question is how do I inspect my rails app to get a collection of the models (rails_env.models) ?
Similar to nathanvda's response, use camelize rather than capitalize to support model files with underscores, and use String#constantize rather than Kernel.const_get.
Additionally, if you keep non-activerecord models in your models folder (e.g. a search class for consolidating search logic), you'll want to check the class is an active record model.
Dir[Rails.root.join('app/models/*.rb').to_s].each do |filename|
klass = File.basename(filename, '.rb').camelize.constantize
next unless klass.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base)
next if klass.abstract_class?
# do something with klass
If you are looking at ApplicationRecord models only in a modern Rails application, you can just use
Here you can have a look at it : http://apidock.com/rails/Class/descendants
Iterate over all files in `$RAILS_ROOT\app\models' ?
For instance
def find_all_models
# iterate over all files in folder
folder = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "app", "models")
Dir[File.join(folder, "*")].each do |filename|
# remove .rb
model_name = File.basename(filename).sub(/.rb$/, '').capitalize
model = Kernel.const_get(model_name)
# .. do something with your model :)
Does this help?
Rails Admin uses this code (see https://github.com/sferik/rails_admin/blob/master/lib/rails_admin/config.rb, method viable_models):
([Rails.application] + Rails::Engine.subclasses.collect(&:instance)).flat_map do |app|
(app.paths['app/models'].to_a + app.config.autoload_paths).collect do |load_path|
Dir.glob(app.root.join(load_path)).collect do |load_dir|
Dir.glob(load_dir + '/**/*.rb').collect do |filename|
# app/models/module/class.rb => module/class.rb => module/class => Module::Class
lchomp(filename, "#{app.root.join(load_dir)}/").chomp('.rb').camelize
end.flatten.reject { |m| m.starts_with?('Concerns::') }
The advantage being that it loads models in associated engines, not just in your current app.
I tried implementing the above solutions under Rails 5 and they didn't quite work. Here's a solution which finds all models which starts with "page_" (or any other prefix; just specify that):
def self.page_models(prefix = "page")
models = []
folder = File.join(Rails.root, "app", "models")
Dir[File.join(folder, "*")].each do |filename|
if filename =~ /models\/#{prefix}/
klass = File.basename(filename, '.rb').camelize.constantize
models << klass
return models