I am using wordpress and I am displaying my archives list in a sidebar using the function
I have posts from Feb 2005 to April 2010 but I want to display June 2009 onwards links. (i.e. june 2009, july 2009, ....april 2010).
How do I prevent Feb 2005 - may 2005 from being displayed in the archives list.
(Please don't suggest adding a limit i.e. wp_get_archives('type=daily&limit=15'); . That will not solve my problem)
$args = array(
'type' => 'monthly',
'format' => 'custom',
'show_post_count' => true,
'echo' => 0 );
$resulthtml = wp_get_archives($args);
$links_to_archives = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $resulthtml));
$string_in_first_archive_not_wanted = 'May 2005';
// wp_get_archives works in reverse order
print "<ul>";
foreach($links_to_archives as $link) {
// once we hit 'May 2005' we don't print anything more
if (strpos($link, $string_in_first_archive_not_wanted) > 0) {
} else {
print "<li>" . $link . "</li>";
print "</ul>";