I am starting with a new site (it's my first one) and I am getting big troubles ! I wrote this code
$cxn=mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$database) or die("couldn't connect to server");
$query="SELECT DISTINCT country FROM stamps";
$result=mysqli_query($cxn,$query) or die ("couldn't execute query");
for ($i=0;$i<$numberOfRows;$i++){
echo $a;
and the output is as follows :
which should be a correct JSON outout ...
How can I get it now in Jquery ? I tried with
but I am not able to fuse it properly. I don't want yet to pass the data to a DIV or something similar in HTML.
As an update, the code of Andres Descalzo works !
$cxn=mysqli_connect($host,$user,$password,$database) or die("couldn't connect to server");
$query="SELECT DISTINCT country FROM stamps";
$result=mysqli_query($cxn,$query) or die ("couldn't execute query");
echo "{data: [";
for ($i=0; $i<$numberOfRows; $i++){
$a = (($i!=0)?",":"") . json_encode($row);
echo $a;
echo "]}";
The output is correct and is as follows :
{data: [{"country":"liechtenstein"},{"country":"romania"},{"country":"jugoslavia"},{"country":"polonia"}]}
开发者_开发百科How can I use $getJSON
It's ok that the syntax is
$.getJSON( url, [ data ], [ callback(data, textStatus) ] )
and that the url is the above mentioned PHP file but [data]
and callback function?
It is not correct JSON. Correct would be, if the elements were enclosed in square brackets (indicating an array) like so:
You can first fetch all elements from the DB in an array and then encode this array:
$elements = array()
for ($i=0;$i<$numberOfRows;$i++){
echo json_encode($elements);
This should work (using $.getJSON()
in jQuery).
Update: A .getJSON()
$.getJSON('/path/to/php_file', function(data) {
// something with data which is of form
// data = [{'country': '...'}, {...}, ...]
Pay attention, the JSON string is not a valid JSON string! I suggest you to use json_encode once, just before producing the output. You'd probably do that:
$countries = array();
for ($i=0;$i<$numberOfRows;$i++){
//Not needed, I guess
$countries[] = $row;
//More probably, you want to get only the country name
//$countries[] = $row['country'];
$result = json_encode( $countries );
echo $result;
Hope it's correct, I haven't tested it :)
I think you want to echo once - after the loop. Also, if you want to pass it as an array, surround it with brackets. Something like this:
for ($i=0;$i<$numberOfRows;$i++){
echo '['.$a.']';
The result you would be sending would be:
As to $.getJSON, how are you applying this? The syntax for getJSON is:
$.getJSON( url, [ data ], [ callback(data, textStatus) ] )
You need a callback function to make use of 'data'
you can try this way:
<div id="iddiv">
echo "{data: [";
for ($i=0; $i<$numberOfRows; $i++){
$a = (($i!=0)?",":"") . json_encode($row);
echo $a;
echo "]}";
var p = $.getJSON($("#iddiv").text());