
Converting a PHP array to class variables

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-28 18:33 出处:网络
Simple question, how do I convert an associative array to variables in a class? I know there is casting to do an (object) $myarray or whatever it is, but that will create a new stdClass and doesn\'t h

Simple question, how do I convert an associative array to variables in a class? I know there is casting to do an (object) $myarray or whatever it is, but that will create a new stdClass and doesn't help me much. Are there any easy one or two line methods to make each $key => $value pair in my array into a $key = $value variable for my class? I don't find it very logical to use a foreach loop for this, I'd be better off just converting it to a stdClass and storing that in a variable, wouldn't I?

class MyClass {
    var $myvar; // I want variables like this, so they can be references as $this->myvar
    function __construct($myarray) {
        // a function to put my 开发者_StackOverflowarray into variables

This simple code should work:


  class MyClass {
    public function __construct(Array $properties=array()){
      foreach($properties as $key => $value){
        $this->{$key} = $value;


Example usage

$foo = new MyClass(array("hello" => "world"));
$foo->hello // => "world"

Alternatively, this might be a better approach


  class MyClass {

    private $_data;

    public function __construct(Array $properties=array()){
      $this->_data = $properties;

    // magic methods!
    public function __set($property, $value){
      return $this->_data[$property] = $value;

    public function __get($property){
      return array_key_exists($property, $this->_data)
        ? $this->_data[$property]
        : null


Usage is the same

// init
$foo = new MyClass(array("hello" => "world"));
$foo->hello;          // => "world"

// set: this calls __set()
$foo->invader = "zim";

// get: this calls __get()
$foo->invader;       // => "zim"

// attempt to get a data[key] that isn't set
$foo->invalid;       // => null

Best solution is to have trait with static function fromArray that can be used for data loading:

trait FromArray {
 public static function fromArray(array $data = []) {
   foreach (get_object_vars($obj = new self) as $property => $default) {
     if (!array_key_exists($property, $data)) continue;
     $obj->{$property} = $data[$property]; // assign value to object
   return $obj;

Then you can use this trait like that:

class Example {
  use FromArray;
  public $data;
  public $prop;

Then you can call static fromArray function to get new instance of Example class:

$obj = Example::fromArray(['data' => 123, 'prop' => false]);

I also have much more sophisticated version with nesting and value filtering https://github.com/OzzyCzech/fromArray

if you (like me) came here looking for a source code generator for array->class, i couldn't really find any, and then i came up with this (a work in progress, not well tested or anything, json_decode returns the array.):

declare(strict_types = 1);

$json = <<<'JSON'
$arr = json_decode ( $json, true );

var_dump ( array_to_class ( $arr ) );

 * @param array $arr            
 * @param string $top_class_name            
function array_to_class(array $arr, string $top_class_name = "TopClass"): string {
    $top_class_name = ucfirst ( $top_class_name );
    $classes = array (); // deduplicated 'definition'=>true,array_keys();
    $internal = function (array $arr, string $top_class_name) use (&$classes, &$internal) {
        $curr = 'Class ' . $top_class_name . ' {' . "\n";
        foreach ( $arr as $key => $val ) {
            $type = gettype ( $val );
            if (is_array ( $val )) {
                $type = ucfirst ( ( string ) $key );
                $classes [$internal ( $val, ( string ) $key )] = true;
            $curr .= <<<FOO
     * @property $type \$$key
            $curr .= "\n    public $" . $key . ";\n";
        $curr .= '}';
        $classes [$curr] = true;
    $internal ( $arr, $top_class_name );
    return implode ( "\n", array_keys ( $classes ) );


Class project {
     * @property string $name
    public $name;
     * @property string $description
    public $description;
     * @property string $web_url
    public $web_url;
     * @property NULL $avatar_url
    public $avatar_url;
     * @property string $git_ssh_url
    public $git_ssh_url;
     * @property string $git_http_url
    public $git_http_url;
     * @property string $namespace
    public $namespace;
     * @property integer $visibility_level
    public $visibility_level;
     * @property string $path_with_namespace
    public $path_with_namespace;
     * @property string $default_branch
    public $default_branch;
     * @property string $homepage
    public $homepage;
     * @property string $url
    public $url;
     * @property string $ssh_url
    public $ssh_url;
     * @property string $http_url
    public $http_url;

Class author {
     * @property string $name
    public $name;
     * @property string $email
    public $email;
Class added {
Class modified {
     * @property string $0
    public $0;
Class removed {
Class 0 {
     * @property string $id
    public $id;
     * @property string $message
    public $message;
     * @property string $timestamp
    public $timestamp;
     * @property string $url
    public $url;
     * @property Author $author
    public $author;
     * @property Added $added
    public $added;
     * @property Modified $modified
    public $modified;
     * @property Removed $removed
    public $removed;
Class commits {
     * @property 0 $0
    public $0;
Class repository {
     * @property string $name
    public $name;
     * @property string $url
    public $url;
     * @property string $description
    public $description;
     * @property string $homepage
    public $homepage;
     * @property string $git_http_url
    public $git_http_url;
     * @property string $git_ssh_url
    public $git_ssh_url;
     * @property integer $visibility_level
    public $visibility_level;
Class TopClass {
     * @property string $object_kind
    public $object_kind;
     * @property string $event_name
    public $event_name;
     * @property string $before
    public $before;
     * @property string $after
    public $after;
     * @property string $ref
    public $ref;
     * @property string $checkout_sha
    public $checkout_sha;
     * @property NULL $message
    public $message;
     * @property integer $user_id
    public $user_id;
     * @property string $user_name
    public $user_name;
     * @property string $user_email
    public $user_email;
     * @property string $user_avatar
    public $user_avatar;
     * @property integer $project_id
    public $project_id;
     * @property Project $project
    public $project;
     * @property Commits $commits
    public $commits;
     * @property integer $total_commits_count
    public $total_commits_count;
     * @property Repository $repository
    public $repository;

Here's another solution using PDOStatement::fetchObject, though it is a bit of a hack.

$array = array('property1' => 'value1', 'property2' => 'value2');
$className = 'MyClass';

$pdo = new PDO('sqlite::memory:'); // we don't actually need sqlite; any PDO connection will do
$select = 'SELECT ? AS property1, ? AS property2'; // this could also be built from the array keys
$statement = $pdo->prepare($select);

// this last part can also be re-used in a loop
$myObject = $statement->fetchObject($className);

Define a static method to convert get an instance from an array. Best, define an interface for it. This is declarative, does not pollute the constructor, allows you to set private properties and still implement custom logic that would not be possible with Reflection. If you want a generic solution, define a trait and use it in your classes.

class Test implements ContructableFromArray {
   private $property;
   public static function fromArray(array $array) {
       $instance = new self();
       $instance->property = $array['property'];
       return $instance;

interface ConstructableFromArray {
   public static function fromArray(array $array);

If you want to cast nested array to object use this code:

class ToObject
    private $_data;

    public function __construct(array $data)

     * @return array
    public function getData()
        return $this->_data;

     * @param array $data
    public function setData(array $data)
        $this->_data = $data;
        return $this;

    public function __call($property, $args)
        // NOTE: change lcfirst if you need (ucfirst/...) or put all together
        $property = lcfirst(str_replace('get', '', $property));
        if (array_key_exists($property, $this->_data)) {
            if (is_array($this->_data[$property])) {
                return new self($this->_data[$property]);
            return $this->_data[$property];
        return null;

Then you can use like this:

$array = [
    'first' => '1.1',
    'second' => [
        'first' => '2.1',
        'second' => '2.2',
        'third' => [
            'first' => '2.3.1'
$object = new ToObject($array);
$object->getFirst(); // returns 1.1
$object->getSecond()->getFirst(); // returns 2.1
$object->getSecond()->getData(); // returns second array
$object->getSecond()->getThird()->getFirst(); // returns 2.3.1

Just use the php spread operator

class Whatever
    public function __construct(public int $something) {}

    public static function fromArray(array $data)
        return new self(...$data);

$data = ['something' => 1];
$instance = Whatever::fromArray($data);
$instance->something; // equals 1


验证码 换一张
取 消
