Soul Plane Featuring 阿克江
作词 Lyrics by Cee;阿克江作曲 Composed by Cee;Clvssic编曲 Arranged by Clvssic制作 Produced by Cee;Clvssic混音 Mixed by Yocho母带 Mastered by Yocho
雨又下了几场 不再熙攘那信号灯 担当的角色还在饰演失眠的夜 在失联的角落当时 间静止在被世界遗忘之前
And those waiting in the night time像落叶 流离失所摇摆在无限的梦 浮现的丛林却试图将这困顿寂寞抛向脑海外
翻开灵魂的字典 那形成的字眼是难以形容的狂烈想要冲破那登机口的防线深吸口气 Let me get on this soul plane
Let me fly awayBaby…let me fly awayLet me fly awayBaby…Let me fly away
Can I get theCan I get theCan I get theCan I get the
追赶那遥望的星辰如同梦里声音嘹亮的情人 跨过北极的冰冷在每一个清晨忘乎所以豪放的亲吻
探索云端的百慕大穿越时光的隧道尽管太浮夸那近在咫尺的月亮今晚摘不下四周天马行 空的灵感在图画
直到抵达伊甸园的彼岸飞过的轨迹在西元前那几站Fly high up in the sky with my soulmateSo babe….Let me take you on this soul plane
Let me fly awayBaby…let me fly awayLet me fly awayBaby…let me fly away
Can I get theCan I get theCan I get theCan I get the