
Flex/actionscript 3 equivalents for __FILE__ and __LINE__

开发者 https://www.devze.com 2022-12-28 14:26 出处:网络
I\'m quite new to flex/actionscri开发者_JAVA技巧pt and I was wondering if there is an equivalent for php\'s (and other languages) FILE and LINE identifiers?

I'm quite new to flex/actionscri开发者_JAVA技巧pt and I was wondering if there is an equivalent for php's (and other languages) FILE and LINE identifiers?

Basicly I want to do some custom error logging and would like to something like:

 var mymessage:String = 'Oops, a hiccup occured at ' + __FILE__ + ', line: ' + __LINE__; 

Where file and line would ofcourse be substituted for their values at compile time.

Is this possible?

It's not directly possible, but there's a fairly usable workaround for personal testing

var stackTrace:String = new Error().getStackTrace();
if (stackTrace) {
    var mymessage:String = "Oops, a hiccup occurred " + stackTrace.split("\n")[1];

Adjust your abuse of getStackTrace to taste.

To add to Cory's answer to the above. First add:


to your library's compiler settings (next to the "-locale en_US" in "Additional Compiler Arguments"). Then use this quickie library:

package ddd
  public class Stack
    protected static function str(val:*):String
      if( val == null      ) return "<null>";
      if( val == undefined ) return "<undefined>";
      return val.toString();

    protected static var removeAt :RegExp = /^\s*at\s*/i;
    protected static var matchFile:RegExp = /[(][)][\[][^:]*?:[0-9]+[\]]\s*$/i;
    protected static var trimFile :RegExp = /[()\[\]\s]*/ig;

    /* Must maintain number of stack levels, so that _stack can assume the 4th line of getStackTrace */
    private static function _stack( msg:String="", ...params ):String
      var s   :String = new Error().getStackTrace();
      var func:String = "??";
      var file:String = "??";
      var args:String = null;
        func = s.split("\n")[4];
        func = func.replace( removeAt, "" );
        var farr:Array  = func.match( matchFile );
        if( farr != null && farr.length > 0 ) file = farr[0].replace( trimFile, "" );
        func = func.replace( matchFile, "" );
      for each( var param:* in params )
        args = ( args == null ? "" : args.concat(",") );
        args = args.concat( str(param) );
      return func + "(" + (args==null?"":args) + ")" + ( (msg!=null && msg!="") ? ":"+msg : "" ) + " at " + file;

    /* Must maintain number of stack levels, so that _stack can assume the 4th line of getStackTrace */
    public static function stack( msg:String="", ...params ):String
      params.unshift( msg );
      return _stack.apply( null, params );

    /* Must maintain number of stack levels, so that _stack can assume the 4th line of getStackTrace */
    public static function pstack( msg:String="", ...params ):void
      CONFIG::debugging {
        trace( _stack.apply( null, params ) );

And then you can just call:


inside any function to print the stack location at that point, which looks like this:

package::classname/function() at /wherever/src/package/classname.mxml:999

Just remember to turn debugging to false before compiling for production, and all that will be left is an empty pstack call that does nothing - the guts will be conditional-compiled out.

IMHO the line or file doesn't add to much information in Flex. I usually output class and method name and as my methods tend to be short, it usually is clear where something occurred.

If you find yourself with methods that are hundreds of lines long, you should rethink your coding style.



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