Say I need to make searching for related titles just like stackoverflow does before you add your question or before submitting news.
I didn't find a way how to do this with Zend Lucen开发者_如何转开发e. There are setSlop method for queries, but as I understand, it doesn't help.
Is there any way to do this kind of searches?
I figured that to do related search you should just pass the query string to the $index->find method. It will find not only the exact matches but also similar ones:
$index->find('top 10 cars');
Top 10 Funniest Cars
Top 11 Celebrities Cars
Top 6 Barbeque Cars
Top 10 Futuristic Concept Cars
Top 5 Classic Oldest Cars Ever
The easiest way to do this is to submit the document's text as a query. Take the document's text, tokenize it, put an OR term in between each token, and submit it as a Lucene query. I've done this before and it works reasonably well.