let's say i have the following:
I want to turn this into real php variables but not everything. By example, the functions that i need :
$newvars=cleanup($vars,"name,age"); // Output $vars="name=david&age=26"
How can i get only the variables that i need . And how i clean up the $vars from the other variables if possible?
I would use parse_str()
and then manipulate the array.
parse_str($vars, $varray);
$thename = $varray["name"];
$theage = $varray["age"];
$newvars = array_intersect_key($varray,
You can do something like:
function getvar($arr,$key) {
// explode on &.
$temp1 = explode('&',$arr);
// iterate over each piece.
foreach($temp1 as $k => $v) {
// expolde again on =.
$temp2 = explode('=',$v);
// if you find key on LHS of = return wats on RHS.
if($temp2[0] == $key)
return $temp2[1];
// key not found..return empty string.
return '';
function cleanup($arr,$keys) {
// split the keys string on comma.
$key_arr = explode(',',$keys);
// initilize the new array.
$newarray = array();
// for each key..call getvar function.
foreach($key_arr as $key) {
$newarray[] = $key.'='.getvar($arr,$key);
// join with & and return.
return implode('&',$newarray);
Here is a working example.