I wanted to know how suitable is Drupal for making a sports betting website similar to http://www.sportsinteraction.com/ . I am aware that there are modules like Bookmaker in Drupal which could help . However, I am puzzled about how to handle the user accounts can be extended to keep a track of the money in each individual account. Also I have with me betting scripts purchased from http://sportbettingscript.com/ . Can the same be integrated with Drupal?
Wish to know your thoughts. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Sports betting is a heavily regulated industry, and while you may be able to use Drupal for the content management, there is no off-the-shelf solution for handling the money of the players. You will have to pass dozens of regulatory audits, appoint legally responsible people, and in most jurisdictions you will also be required to put in a large sum of money in a ring-fenced bank account, just as a security.
Obviously I'm not a lawyer, but I have been involved in the gaming industry for more than four years. Drupal or no drupal, the first thing you would have to sort is the database layer. That would need to get audited by the regulatory body of the specific jurisdiction, along with the control systems and gaming platform. In most cases, there will be so many requests for changes, that the two most feasible options often end up to to be: either building most of the things from scratch; or else partner with a development house that is already accustomed to the regulatory processes.