I am putting a TextField and a DropDownChoice inside a FormComponentPanel which is supposed to use setConvertedInput to TextField's value concatenated with DropDownChoice's value. However, I would like to put the markup for the FormComponentPanel inside a wicket:fragment in the markup file that contains the containing form.
Here's an abrreviated version of what I tried so far:
... some stuff not shown here ...
DurationFormComponentPanel durationFormComponentPanel = new DurationFormComponentPanel("estimated_duration");
add(new Fragment("estimatedDuration", "duration_fragment", OptionsPanel.this));
<span wicket:id='estimatedDuration'></span>
<wicket:fragment wicket:id='duration_fragment'>
<input wicket:id='estimated_duration' value='3' />
<select wicket:id='needed_time_unit'>
The end result of this atm is that the markup for the FormComponentPanel is empty.
I'm not sure how easy it will be to do as a Fragment. I have frequently extended FormComponentPanel and treated it like a WebmarkupContainer by overriding onComponentTagBody like so:
public class CustomFormComponentPanel extends FormComponentPanel {
public CustomFormComponentPanel(String id) {
// Various Form Items
protected void onComponentTagBody(final MarkupStream markupStream, final ComponentTag openTag) {
// Render as a WebMarkupContainer, not a panel
super.renderComponentTagBody(markupStream, openTag);
I can then just add my FormComponentPanel like so:
add(new CustomFormComponentPanel("custom"));
with this markup
<span wicket:id="custom">
<!-- Various form Items -->
Fragment's onComponentTagBody() calls a lot of private methods in the Fragment class that I presume you would have to duplicate. For a one-off, use my method above. If you really need to re-use it, I'd go with a Panel as originally intended.
You have to add the inner inputs components to the fragments, in this fashion:
Fragment f = new Fragment("estimatedDuration", "duration_fragment", OptionsPanel.this);
f.add(new TextField("estimated_duration", new Model<String>("3"));