I'm playing around with the new yahoo API. I'd like to scrap some dummy data using the following address
When I run this I get an authenticaion error (Need to be logged into Yahoo) This is fine obviously for me messing around on the internet. However I'd like to call this from a ruby script. Any ideas how I go about authenticating? I can only seem to find some web enabled version.
You might try the Mechanize gem for this. I've used it for other authenticated services in the past.
I'd also recomment httparty -- It is ridiculously easy to map JSON services with this. Try this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'httparty'
class Yahoo
include HTTParty
# i don't think you need auth for this endpoint -- but if you do, uncomment below and fill it in
#basic_auth 'username', 'password'
format :json
def self.load
self.get 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql', :query => {:q => 'desc social.updates.search', :format => 'json', :diagnostics => true, :env => 'store://datatables.org/alltableswithkeys'}
puts Yahoo.load
You could try omniauth-yahoo
for authorization, but it's seen didn't support get the new token after expired.
Public Function ScanColumns(SheetName As String, thisMany As Double, ShowWhat As String)
e = 0
For a = 1 To thisMany
aa = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(SheetName).Cells(1, a).EntireColumn)
If aa > 0 Then
r = a
If e = 0 Then
e = a
End If
End If
Next a
If ShowWhat = "MIN" Then
ScanColumns = e
End If
If ShowWhat = "MAX" Then
ScanColumns = r
End If
End Function
Public Function ScanRows(SheetName As String, thisMany As Double, ShowWhat As String)
e = 0
For a = 1 To thisMany
aa = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(SheetName).Cells(a, 1).EntireRow)
If aa > 0 Then
r = a
If e = 0 Then
e = a
End If
End If
Next a
If ShowWhat = "MIN" Then
ScanRows = e
End If
If ShowWhat = "MAX" Then
ScanRows = r
End If
End Function
Public Function FindInArea(SheetName As String, startRow As String, endRow As String, startCol As String, endCol As String, FindThis As String, ShowWhat As String)
CalendarMonthFormat1 = "Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec,"
CalendarMonthFormat2 = "January, Feburary,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December,"
earliestDate = 999999999
latestDate = 0
If Left(FindThis, 7) = "[LENGTH" Then
LengthLook = Replace(FindThis, "[LENGTH", "")
LengthLook = Replace(LengthLook, "]", "")
End If
For a = startRow To endRow
For b = startCol To endCol
ThisCell = Sheets(SheetName).Cells(a, b)
thisCellAddr = Sheets(SheetName).Cells(a, b).Address
If ThisCell = FindThis Then
addrList = addrList & "[" & thisCellAddr & "]"
rc_list = rc_list & "[" & a & "," & b & "]"
c = c + 1
End If
If FindThis = "[MONTHS1]" Then
If ThisCell <> "" And InStr(LCase(CalendarMonthFormat1), LCase((ThisCell) & ",")) > 0 And Len(ThisCell) = 3 Then
addrList = addrList & "[" & thisCellAddr & "]"
rc_list = rc_list & "[" & a & "," & b & "]"
c = c + 1
End If
End If
If FindThis = "[MONTHS2]" Then
If ThisCell <> "" And InStr(LCase(CalendarMonthFormat2), LCase((ThisCell) & ",")) > 0 Then
addrList = addrList & "[" & thisCellAddr & "]"
rc_list = rc_list & "[" & a & "," & b & "]"
c = c + 1
End If
End If
If FindThis = "[DATEFORMAT]" Then
If InStr(ThisCell, "/") > 0 Then
slash_count = 0
For sc = 1 To Len(ThisCell)
If Mid(ThisCell, sc, 1) = "/" Then
slash_count = slash_count + 1
End If
Next sc
If slash_count = 2 Then
On Error Resume Next
D = Day(ThisCell)
M = Month(ThisCell)
Y = Year(ThisCell)
If D > 0 And M > 0 And Y > 0 Then
addrList = addrList & "[" & thisCellAddr & "]"
rc_list = rc_list & "[" & a & "," & b & "]"
c = c + 1
If earliestDate > DateValue(ThisCell) Then
earliestDate = DateValue(ThisCell)
If Len(D) = 1 Then
D = "0" & D
End If
If Len(M) = 1 Then
M = "0" & M
End If
eDateLocation = thisCellAddr
eDate_Format = D & "-" & M & "-" & Y
End If
If latestDate < DateValue(ThisCell) Then
latestDate = DateValue(ThisCell)
If Len(D) = 1 Then
D = "0" & D
End If
If Len(M) = 1 Then
M = "0" & M
End If
lDateLocation = thisCellAddr
lDate_Format = D & "-" & M & "-" & Y
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Left(FindThis, 7) = "[LENGTH" Then
If Len(ThisCell) = Val(LengthLook) Then
addrList = addrList & "[" & thisCellAddr & "]"
rc_list = rc_list & "[" & a & "," & b & "]"
c = c + 1
End If
End If
If FindThis = "[DECIMAL]" Then
If InStr((ThisCell), ".") > 0 Then
addrList = addrList & "[" & thisCellAddr & "]"
rc_list = rc_list & "[" & a & "," & b & "]"
c = c + 1
End If
End If
If FindThis = "[PERC]" Then
If InStr((ThisCell), ".") > 0 And ThisCell <> "" And ThisCell <> 0 And Val(ThisCell) >= -1 And Val(ThisCell) <= 1 Then
addrList = addrList & "[" & thisCellAddr & "]"
rc_list = rc_list & "[" & a & "," & b & "]"
c = c + 1
End If
End If
Next b
Next a
If ShowWhat = "COUNT" Then
FindInArea = c
End If
If ShowWhat = "ADDR" Then
FindInArea = addrList
End If
If ShowWhat = "RC" Then
FindInArea = rc_list
End If
If ShowWhat = "EARLIESTDATE" Then
FindInArea = eDate_Format
End If
FindInArea = eDateLocation
End If
If ShowWhat = "LATESTDATE" Then
FindInArea = lDate_Format
End If
FindInArea = lDateLocation
End If
End Function