Is there any jquery datepicker that consumes json data... My json data would be a list of future dates that belongs to any month should be consumed by my开发者_高级运维 datepicker which should be disabled and highlighted with a color....
My datepicker provides this functionality using a "renderCallback".
This example shows all weekends styled differently and disabled:
And this much more complex example shows setting up different rules based on settings made on the page:
Basically you will instantiate the datePicker something like this:
Date.format = 'yyyy-mm-dd';
// Your data loaded from json - note the date formats match the Date.format you set above
var disabledDates = {'2010-04-21' : true, '2010-05-15' : true};
renderCallback:function ($td, thisDate, month, year)
if (disabledDates[thisDate.asString()]) {
// disabled prevents the date from being selectable, highlight is a hook you can style...
$td.addClass('disabled highlight');
Hope it helps :)