Is there a way to get the attachment from the form to an SQL Server column using VBA? There are some examples about encodind 开发者_如何学JAVAand decoding attachments, though is this the case?
Does SQL server support attachments somehow?
Thanks in advance, Sun
You can store files in SQL server in a VarBinary(Max) Column. This will store what ever you put in there so you can retrieve it later. If you are using SQL server 2008 you can also make use of the filestream feature which is very powerful and works in exactly the same way
Here is some code in an access/VBA project I have that will download a file that is stored in SQL server and save it to disk
Public Sub Download_file(lMaterial_ID As Long, strSave_folder As String)
'Download the file lMaterial_ID and save it
Dim adStream As ADODB.Stream
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo Error_trap
On Error GoTo 0
'check if we have an open connection, if we do use it
Select Case dbCon.State
Case adStateOpen
'connection is open, do nothing
Case adStateConnecting
'still conecting wait
Do Until dbCon.State = adStateOpen
Application.Echo True, "Connection to DB"
Case adStateClosed
'connection closed, try to open it
If Len(strSQL_con_string) = 0 Then
End If
dbCon.ConnectionString = strSQL_con_string
dbCon.Provider = "sqloledb"
End Select
Me.acxProg_bar.Value = 0
Me.acxProg_bar.Visible = True
Set adStream = New ADODB.Stream
adStream.Type = adTypeBinary
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "SELECT Material_FS, Material_file_name FROM tblMaterials WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE Material_ID=" & lMaterial_ID, dbCon, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
Me.acxProg_bar.Value = 60
If IsNull(rst.Fields("Material_FS").Value) = False Then
adStream.Write rst.Fields("Material_FS").Value
Me.acxProg_bar.Value = 80
adStream.SaveToFile strSave_folder & "\" & rst.Fields("Material_file_name").Value, adSaveCreateOverWrite
End If
Me.acxProg_bar.Value = 0
Me.acxProg_bar.Visible = False
Exit Sub
If dbCon Is Nothing = False Then
If dbCon.State = adStateOpen Then dbCon.Close
End If
DoCmd.Hourglass False
MsgBox "An error happened in sub Download_file, error description, " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "MCTS"
Me.acxProg_bar.Value = 0
Me.acxProg_bar.Visible = False
End Sub