I've been trying to find a django wiki app, which has the following -
2.) Attach files
3.) Revisions
I see moinmoin, but before going all in, wanted to see what you all have used.
List of Django Wiki projects: http://djangopackages.com/grids/g/wikis/
The two leading candidates I can find are:
- django-wikiapp
- django-wiki
django-wikiapp looks a little more mature, and definitely supports revisions but does not seem to support attachments. WYSIWYG wouldn't be too tough to implement using something like TinyMCE or CKEditor. Attachments may be the sticking point.
There is also https://github.com/pinax/django-wakawaka which used in the pinax project. Editing attachments is not supported by the wiki itself but it is suggested to use django-attachments for this use case :)