I am modifing other's code to get the right response, here is the code structure. The problem I have here is; When I do if statement, "response.setOptions(ccResp.getValue().getOptions());" response did not have options value even if the if statement get true. When I remove the if statement, I can find options value in my response. I don't understand why I cannot do if statement here. Thanks for any help.
public class service {
@Qualifier(value = "threadPoolTaskExecutor")
private TaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor;
public response processcode (Request request) throws Exception {
return getResponse(callCode(request), request);
public Map<String, Response> callCode(Request request) throws Exception {
ASInjectedCallable<Map<String, Response>> codeCallable = new ASInjectedCallable<>(
new Callable<Map<String, Response>>() {
public Map<String, Response> call() {};
ASCFutureTask<Map<String, Response>> codeFutureTask = codeCallable
return codeFutureTask.get();
private RestResponse getResponse(Map<String, Response> ccMap, Request request) {
Map<String, Response> respMap = new HashMap<>();
ccMap.entrySet().stream().forEach(ccResp -> {
if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(ccResp.getValue()getOptions())) {
# response.setOptions(ccResp.getValue().getOptions()); ***here*
I think the problem maybe is realted to mutilthreading. so I checked how mutilthread working in Java.