I would like to concatenate a and b. Where a and b are missing I would like to have just an empty string in the result not NA string... I unsuccessfully tried str_glue
and glue
from glue package.
df <- tibble(
a = c(2010, 2019, NA, 2022),
b = c(NA, 2018, 2022, NA)
df |>
mutate(combined = paste(a, b))
# df |>
# mutate(combined = stringr开发者_JAVA技巧::str_glue(a, b)) Does not work
Well you could use coalesce()
from the dplyr
%>% mutate(across(where(is.numeric), as.character))
|> mutate(combined = paste(coalesce(a, ""), coalesce(b, "")))
Another approach:
df %>% mutate_if(is.numeric, as.character) %>% mutate(combine = paste(replace_na(a, ''), replace_na(b, '')))
# A tibble: 4 × 3
a b combine
<chr> <chr> <chr>
1 2010 NA "2010 "
2 2019 2018 "2019 2018"
3 NA 2022 " 2022"
4 2022 NA "2022 "
Using base R.
trimws(Reduce(paste, {df[is.na(df)] <- ''; df}))
# [1] "2010" "2019 2018" "2022" "2022"