I have a java main application, and I want to use log4j.
I don't want to hard code my settings, so where do I put the log4开发者_如何学运维j config file so my application can find it?
Generally you put it in your "root package directory" (i.e. base of your classpath) and it'll automatically be picked up - that is where log4j knows to look.
A) in your classpath put a file named log4j.properties
B) Add this to your JVM command line -Dlog4j.configuration=foobar.txt
(The configuration file will be foobar.txt)
The exact rules for this are defined in the Log4j documentation in http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html
By default Log4j uses the classloader to load a resource named log4.properties. So it can be in any directory that is in your classpath.
If you want to use something different then specify resource name using system property log4j.configuration